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Gaines, R.K.S., 1986, A study of the organic geochemistry of the lower part of the Sharon Springs Member of the Pierre Shale in western South Dakota, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology Ph.D. dissertation. [THESIS/QE/515/.G142/1986]



Galbreath, K.C., 1987, Mass transfer during wall‑rock alteration; an example from a quartz‑graphite vein, Black Hills, South Dakota, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology M.S. thesis. [THESIS/QE/475/.Q3/G148/1987]



Galbreath, K.C., Duke, E.F., Papike, J.J., and Laul, J.C., 1987, Mass transfer during wall‑rock alteration; an example from a quartz‑graphite vein, Black Hills, South Dakota [abs.], Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 19, p. 671. [Periodicals]



Galbreath, K.C., Duke, E.F., Papike, J.J., and Laul, J.C., 1988, Mass transfer during wall‑rock alteration; an example from a quartz‑graphite vein, Black Hills, South Dakota, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 52, p. 1905‑1918. [Periodicals]



Gamberg, R.J., 1950, A report of the Chilson anticline, Fall River County, South Dakota, with cross section study, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology B.S. thesis.



Gapp, Donald, and Patraw, James, 1960, The Roubaix intrusive, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology B.S. thesis.



Garces, Herman, 1945, The White Elephant Pegmatite, Custer, South Dakota, Chicago, University of Chicago thesis.



Gardner, C.V., 1930, The first quartz mill in Deadwood Gulch, Black Hills Engineer, v. 18. [Periodicals]



Gardner, E.D., 1939, Tin deposits of the Black Hills, South Dakota, U.S. Bureau of Mines Information Circular 7069, 78 p. I 18.27:7069]



Garhart, J.W., 1953, The Koers bentonite deposit and testing drilling mud, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology B.S. thesis.



Garrison, F.L., 1904, Tin in the United States, Engineering and Mining Journal, v. 78, p. 830‑832. [Periodicals]



Garske, D.H., 1968, Mineralogy of the lower contact zone of the Double Rainbow Mine, Galena, South Dakota, in Wulf, G.R., ed., Black Hills area, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Wyoming Geological Association, 20th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 177‑179. [MBC/QE/181/.W9/1968]



Gaskill, C., Reel, C., Horne, J., Martin, J.E., and Motes, A.G., III., 198_, Minnelusa field trip, Earth Science Bulletin, v. 20, p. 21‑48. [Periodicals]



Gasser, M.M., 1981a, The geology of the southeast portion of the Deadman Mountain quadrangle, Black Hills, South Dakota, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology M.S. thesis, 89 p. [THESIS/QE/601.2/.G251/1981]



Gasser, M.M., 1981b, Two inclusion‑laden rhyolite pipes in the Deadman Mountain quadrangle, northeastern Black Hills, South Dakota [abs.], Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 13, no. 4, p. 198. [Periodicals]



Gates, C.B., and Rahn, P.H., 1986, Ancient quartzite boulders in the Red Valley area of the northern Black Hills, South Dakota and Wyoming, The Mountain Geologist, v. 23, no. 3, p. 95‑97. [Periodicals]



Gates, W.C.B., 1985, Source and transport mechanisms of quartzite boulders in the Red Valley area, Black Hills, South Dakota and Wyoming, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, M.S. thesis. [THESIS/QE/599/.S8/G259/1985]



Gates, W.C.B., 1987, The fabric of rockslide avalanche deposits, Association of Engineering Geologists Bulletin, v. 24, no. 3, p. 389‑402. [Periodicals]



Gautier, D.L., 1982, Siderite concretions indicators of early diagensis in the Gammon (Pierre) Shale (Cretaceous), Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 52, p. 859‑871. [Periodicals]



Geist, E.W., and others, 1947, The Double Rainbow ore (Richmond‑Sitting Bull Mine), Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology B.S. thesis.



Gendi, M.H., 1971, Statistical correlation by graphical methods of trace metal distribution in rock types in the Black Hills, South Dakota, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology M.S. thesis, 73 p.



Geological Society of America, 1951, Guidebook for field trips, Geological Society of America, Rocky Mountain Section, 4th annual meeting, April 13‑14, 1951, 19 p. [MBC/QE/163/.G8/1951]



Geological Society of America, 1960, Guidebook for field trips, Geological Society of America, Rocky Mountain Section, 13th Annual Meeting, Rapid City, S. Dak. [MBC/QE/163/.G8/1960]



Geological Survey of Wyoming, 1970, Mines and minerals map of Wyoming, Geological Survey of Wyoming, scale 1:500, 000.



Geological Survey of Wyoming, composer, 1982, Landsat image mosaic of Wyoming, Geological Survey of Wyoming Map Series 11, scale 1:500, 000.



Gersic, J.A., 1973, A limited structural and stratigraphic interpretation of the Red River Formation, South Dakota, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology M.S. thesis, 49 p.



Getz, R.C., 1966, A study of jointing on Elkhorn Peak, Whitewood, South Dakota [abs.], South Dakota Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 45, p. 289. [MBC/Q/11/.S62]



Getz, R.C., 1967, Jointing and stratigraphy on Elkhorn Peak, Whitewood, South Dakota and Green Mountain, Sundance, Wyoming, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology M.S. thesis, 70 p.



Giebink, B.G., and Paterson, C.J., 1986, Stratigraphic controls on sediment‑hosted epithermal gold mineralization; Evidence from the Annie Creek Mine in the Cambrian Deadwood Formation, Black Hills, South Dakota [abs.], Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 18, no. 6, p. 613. [Periodicals]



Gilani, M.A.S., 1979, Distribution of rare "alkalies" and selected metals around the Peerless and Etta pegmatites, Keystone, South Dakota, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology M.S. thesis, 65 p.



Gilbert, G.K., 1880, The drainage system of the Black Hills of Dakota, Philosophical Society of Washington Bulletin, v. 3, p. 125‑128. [Periodicals]



Gilbert, W.H., 1984, Aerial weathering in Wind Cave, Iowa Academy of Science, 95th session, Proceedings, v. 91, no. 1.



Gilles, A.P., and Mathisrud, G.C., 1970, Computerized ore estimating at Homestake [abs.], Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 2, no. 5, p. 333‑334. [Periodicals]



Gill, J.R., 1953, Uranium in carbonaceous rocks in parts of Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana, U.S. Geological Survey Trace Element Investigations TEI‑330, p. 118‑119.



Gill, J.R., and Cobban, W.A., 1961, Stratigraphy of lower and middle parts of the Pierre Shale, in Geological Survey research 1961, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 424‑D, p. D185‑D191. [GD I 19.16:424-D]



Gill, J.R., and Cobban, W.A., 1962, Red Bird Silty Member of the Pierre Shale, a new stratigraphic unit, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 450‑B, p. 21‑24. [GD I 19.16:450-B]



Gill, J.R., and Cobban, W.A., 1966, Regional unconformity in Late Cretaceous, Wyoming, in Geological Survey Research, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 550‑B, p. B20‑B27. [GD I 19.16:550-B]



Gill, J.R., and Cobban, W.A., 1966, The Red Bird section of the Upper Cretaceous Pierre Shale in Wyoming, with a section on A new echinoid from the Cretaceous Pierre Shale of eastern Wyoming, by P.M. Kier, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 393‑A, 73 p. [GD I 19.16:393-A]



Gill, J.R., and Cobban, W.A., 1973, Stratigraphy and geologic history of the Montana Group and equivalent rocks, Montana, Wyoming and North and South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 776, p. 1‑37. [GD I 19.16:776]



Gill, J.R., Tourtelot, H.A., and Schultz, L.G., 1960, Correlation of units in lower part of the Pierre Shale, Great Plains region [abs.], Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 71, p. 2034. [Periodicals]



Gilmore, C.W., 1914, Osteology of the armoured dinosauria in the United States National Museum with special reference to the genus Stegosaurus, U.S. National Museum Bulletin no. 89, p. 1‑143.



Gilmore, C.W., 1916, Osteology of Thescelosaurus, and Orthopodous dinosaur from Lance Formation of Wyoming, U.S. National Museum Proceedings, v. 49, p. 591‑616.



Glass, G.B., 1972a, Review of Wyoming coal fields, 1971, Wyoming Geological Survey Miscellaneous Report, 32 p.



Glass, G.B., 1972b, Midyear review of Wyoming coal fields, 1972, Wyoming Geological Survey Miscellaneous Report, 43 p.



Glass, G.B., 1972c, Wyoming, in Keystone Coal Industry Manual, New York, McGraw‑Hill Co., p. 522‑529. [we have 1983 edition only!]



Glass, G.B., 1981, Coal deposits of Wyoming, in Reid, S.G., and Miller, D.D., eds., Energy resources of Wyoming, Wyoming Geological Association, 32nd Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 181‑236.



Glass, G.B., 1983, Description of Wyoming coal fields and seam analyses, Geological Survey of Wyoming Reprint 43, 28 p.



Glass, G.B., and Hones, R.W., 1974, Bibliography of Wyoming coal, Geological Survey of Wyoming Bulletin 58, 163 p. [MBC/QE/181/.A212/no.58]



Goddard, K.E., 1988, Gold-mill-tailings contamination of the Cheyenne River system, western South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 87-764, p. 1-9. [GD I 19.76:87-764]



Goddard, K.E., 1988, U.S. Geological Survey applied research studies of the Cheyenne River system, South Dakta; description and collation of data, water years 1985-86, U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 88-484, 158 p. [GD I 19.76:88-484]



Goddard, K.E., 1989, Composition, distribution, and hydrologic effects of contaminated sediments resulting from the discharge of gold milling wastes to Whitewood Creek at Lead and Deadwood, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey, Water-Resources Investigations Report 87-4051, 76 p. [GD I 19.42/4:87-4051]



Goddard, K.E., Horowitz, A.J., Shearer, C.K., 1988, Distribution of solid-phase arsenic and trace elements in bottom and suspended sediments, Whitewood Creek and the Belle Fourche and Cheyenne rivers, western South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 87-764, p. 13-17. [GD I 19.76:87-764]



Goff, S.J., Sandoval, W.F., Gallimore, D.L., Talcott, C.L., Martinez, R.G., Minor, M.E., and Mills, C.F., 1980, Uranium hydrogeochemical and stream sediment reconnaissance of the Newcastle NTMS quadrangle, Wyoming, including concentrations of forty‑two additional elements, U.S. Department of Energy Open‑File Report GJBX‑187(80), 147 p. [available from U.S. Geological Survey, Open‑File Services Section, P.O. Box 25425, Denver, CO 80225].



Goldich, S.S., Muehlberger, W.R., Lidiak, E.G., and Hedge, C.E., 1966, Geochronology of the midcontinent region, Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 71, p. 5375‑5388. [Periodicals]



Gomez, M., and Donaven, D.J., 1971, Prediction of low‑temperature carbonization properties of coal in advance of mining, U.S. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations 7561, 88 p. [GD I 28.23:7561]



Goodrich, N.P., 1937, Milling practice at Bald Mountain Mining Company, Black Hills Engineer, v. 23, p. 172‑188. [Periodicals]



Goodwin, P.W., 1965, Early Ordovician conodonts from Wyoming, Montana, and South Dakota [abs.], Geological Society of America Special Paper 82, p. 75. [MBC/QE/1/.G299]



Goolsby, Jim, and Morton, Doug, eds., 1984, The Permian and Pennsylvanian geology of Wyoming, Wyoming Geological Association, 35th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, 422 p.



Gorman, L.A., and MacPherson, B.A., 1957, Uranium exploration in Hulett Creek area, Crook County, Wyoming, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Report TM‑D‑1‑17, 27 p.



Gosman, R.F., and Barkley, C.J., 1958, Donkey Creek area, Crook County, Wyoming, in Strickland, John, ed., Powder River Basin, Wyoming Geological Association, 13th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 174. [MBC/QE/181/.W9/1958]



Gosnold, W.D., Jr., 1986, Heat flow anomalies and the Mohorovicic discontinuity [abs.], Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 18, no. 6, p. 618‑619. [Periodicals]



Gosselin, D.C., 1987, Geology, geochemistry, and petrology of Archean rocks from the Black Hills, South Dakota, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Ph.D. thesis, 156 p. [THESIS/QE/653/.G678/1987]



Gosselin, D.C., Papike, J.J., Zartman, R.E., Peterman, Z.E., and Laul, J.C., 1987, Archean rocks of the Black Hills, South Dakota; reworked basement from the Dakota segment of the Trans‑Hudson orogen, Geological Association of Canada, Mineralogical Assoication of Canada, Canadian Geophysical Union, Joint Annual Meeting, 12, 48 p.



Gosselin, D.C., Papike, J.J., Zartman, R.E., Peterman, Z.E., and Laul, J.C., 1988, Archean rocks of the Black Hills, South Dakota; reworked basement from the southern extension of the Trans‑Hudson orogen, Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 100, no, 8, p. 1244‑1259. [Periodicals]



Gott, G.B., 1956, Inferred relationship of some uranium deposits and calcium carbonate cement in southern Black Hills, S. Dak., in Contributions to geology of uranium, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1046‑A, p. 1‑8. [GD I 19.3:1046-A]



Gott, G.B., 1957, Southern Black Hills, South Dakota‑Wyoming, U.S. Geological Survey Trace Element Investigations Report TEI‑700, p. 83‑88.



Gott, G.B., 1959, Geologic mapping, southern Black Hills, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Trace Element Investigations Report TEI‑751, p. 46.



Gott, G.B., 1964 [1965], Pre‑Fall River folding in the southern part of the Black Hills, South Dakota, in Geological Survey Research 1964, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 501‑D, p. D28‑D29. [GD I 19.16:501-D]



Gott, G.B., Bell, Henry, III, Cuppels, N.P., Post, E.V., and Schnabel, R.W., 1954, Uranium in sandstone‑type deposits, South Dakota, Black Hills; geologic investigations, U.S. Geological Survey Trace Element Investigations Report TEI‑490, p. 99‑106.



Gott, G.B., Jones, R.S., Post, E.V., and Braddock, W.A., 1954, Uranium in sandstone‑type deposits, South Dakota, Black Hills; geochemical investigations, U.S. Geological Survey Trace Element Investigations Report TEI‑440, p. 64‑72.



Gott, G.B., Page, L.R., and Jones, R.S., 1953, Black Hills, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Trace Element Investigations Report TEI‑390, p. 71‑79.



Gott, G.B., and Pipiringos, G.N., 1964, Metallic mineral resources‑‑Uranium, in Mineral and water resources of South Dakota, U.S. 88th Congress, 2nd session, Committee Print, p. 50‑56. [SD DOCS/TN/24/.S8/U5/1964 ??? ALSO GOV DOCS ???]



Gott, G.B., Post, E.V., Braddock, W.A., Bell, Henry, III, Jones, R.S., and Schnabel, R.W., 1955, Uranium in sandstone‑type deposits, Black Hills, South Dakota; petrographic studies, permeability analysis, thermoluminescence investigations, geochemical investigations, x‑ray and paleontologic investigations, U.S. Geological Survey Trace Element Investigations Report TEI‑540, p. 107‑118.



Gott, G.B., Post, E.V., Brobst, D.A., and Cuppels, N.P., 1956, Black Hills uplift, South Dakota‑Wyoming, in Geological investigations of radioactive deposits‑‑Semiannual progress report December 1, 1955 to May 31, 1956, U.S. Geological Survey Trace Element Investigations Report TEI‑620, p. 164‑178.



Gott, G.B., Randolph, P.F., and Robinson, Peter, 1955, Preliminary geologic map of part of the Edgemont NE quadrangle, Fall River County, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Open‑File Report 55‑51. [GD I 19.76:55-51]



Gott, G.B., and Schnabel, R.W., 1956a, Preliminary geologic map of the northwest part of the Edgemont NE quadrangle, Custer and Fall River Counties, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Mineral Investigations Field Studies Map MF‑55, scale 1:7, 200. [MAPS/G/3701s/.H1/var./.U5/no.55]



Gott, G.B., and Schnabel, R.W., 1956b, Preliminary geologic map of the northeast part of the Edgemont NE quadrangle, Custer and Fall River Counties, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Mineral Investigations Field Studies Map MF‑56, scale 1:7, 200. [MAPS/G/3701s/.H1/var./.U5/no.56]



Gott, G.B., and Schnabel, R.W., 1956c, Preliminary geologic map of the east‑central part of the Edgemont NE quadrangle, Fall River County, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Mineral Investigations Field Studies Map MF‑57, scale 1:7, 200. [MAPS/G/3701s/.H1/var./.U5/no.57]



Gott, G.B., and Schnabel, R.W., 1956d, Preliminary geologic map of the west‑central part of the Edgemont NE quadrangle, Fall River County, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Mineral Investigations Field Studies Map MF‑58, scale 1:7, 200. [MAPS/3701s/.H1/var./.U5/no.58]



Gott, G.B., and Schnabel, R.W., 1956e, Preliminary geologic map of the southwest part of the Edgemont NE quadrangle, Fall River County, South Dakota, U.S Geological Survey Mineral Investigations Field Studies Map MF‑59, scale 1:7, 200. [MAPS/G/3701s/.H1/var./.U5/no.59]



Gott, G.B., and Schnabel, R.W., 1956f, Preliminary geologic map of the southeast part of the Edgemont NE quadrangle, Fall River County, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Mineral Investigations Field Studies Map MF‑60, scale 1:7, 200. [MAPS/G/3701s/.H1/var./.U5/no.60]



Gott, G.B., and Schnabel, R.W., 1957, Edgemont NE quadrangle, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Trace Element Investigations Report TEI‑690, p. 172‑181.



Gott, G.B., and Schnabel, R.W., 1963, Geology of the Edgemont NE quadrangle, Fall River and Custer Counties, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1063‑E, p. 127‑190. [GD I 19.3:1063-E]



Gott, G.B., Wolcott, D.E., and Bowles, C.G., 1974, Stratigraphy of the Inyan Kara Group and localization of uranium deposits, southern Black Hills, South Dakota and Wyoming, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 763, 57 p. [GD I 19.16:763]



Gott, G.B., Wolcott, D.E., Braddock, W.A., and Post, E.V., 1960, Uranium deposits of the southwestern Black Hills [abs.], Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 71, p. 2035‑2036. [Periodicals]



Gough, D.I., and Camfield, P.A., 1972, Convergent geophysical evidence of a metamorphic belt through the Black Hills of South Dakota, Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 77, p. 3168‑3170. [Periodicals]



Grace, R.M., 1951, Stratigraphy of the Newcastle Formation, Black Hills region, Wyoming and South Dakota, Laramie, University of Wyoming M.A. thesis.



Grace, R.M., 1952, Stratigraphy of the Newcastle Formation, Black Hills region, Wyoming and South Dakota, Wyoming Geological Survey Bulletin 44, 44 p. [MBC/QE/181/.A212/no.44]



Grace, R.M., 1955, Lower Cretaceous sediments of the Black Hills region, in South Dakota Black Hills Field Conference, North Dakota Geological Society, 3rd Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 65‑68. [MBC/QE/164/.B55/N67/1955]



Graham, G.E., 1950, Petrographic study and heavy minerals of certain sandstones of the Sundance Formation of western South Dakota and Wyoming, Lincoln, University of Nebraska M.S. thesis.



Graves, H.S., 1899, Black Hills Forest Reserve, U.S. Geological Survey Nineteenth Annual Report, part 5, p. 67‑164. [GD I 19.1:19th/pt. 5]



Gray, J.R., and Tennisen, A.C., 1953, Uranium investigations and recommendations for diamond drilling near Aladdin, Crook County, Wyoming, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Report RME‑1010, 15 p.



Gray, J.R., and Tennissen, A.C., 1953, Uranium investigations near Aladdin, Crook County, Wyoming, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Report RME‑4016, 13 p.



Green, Morton, and Gries, J.P., 1963, A possible Pliocene deposit in the Black Hills, South Dakota Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 42, p. 54‑56. [MBC/Q/11/.S62]



Greenway, Warren, 1949, Calcination of Piedmont dolomite, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology B.S. thesis.



Gregory, T., 1902, 13th annual report of the State Mine Inspector of South Dakota, 22 p. [SD COLL]



Grice, J.D., Peacor, D.R., Robinson, G.W., van Velthuizen, Jerry, Roberts, W.L., Campbell, T.J., and Dunn, P.J., 1985, Tiptopite (LiKNaCa)8Be6 (PO4)6(OH)4, a new mineral species from the Black Hills, South Dakota, The Canadian Mineralogist, v. 23, part 1, p. 43‑46. [Periodicals]



Grice, J.D., and Robinson, G.W., 1984, New phosphate minerals from the Tip Top Mine, Black Hills, South Dakota [abs.], Geological Association of Canada‑Mineralogical Association of Canada, Joint Annual Meeting, London, Ontario, Canada.



Grier, T.J., 1905, Mining and forestry in the Black Hills, Engineering and Mining Journal, v. 79, p. 409. [Periodicals]



Gries, J.P., 1942, Economic possibilities of the Pierre Shale, South Dakota Geological Survey Report of Investigations 43, 79 p. [SD DOCS/QE/163/.A46]



Gries, J.P., 1943, Two deep water wells near Rapid City, South Dakota, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 27, p. 646‑650. [Periodicals]



Gries, J.P., 1949, Sampling of Helen Beryl Pegmatite, Custer County, South Dakota, U.S. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations 4396, 14 p. [GD I 28.27:4396]



Gries, J.P., 1950, Investigation of the Beecher No. 2 lithium‑bearing Pegmatite, Custer County, South Dakota, U.S. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations 4632, 14 p. [GD I 28.27:4632]



Gries, J.P., 1951a, Oil possibilities in South Dakota, Mines Magazine, v. 41, p. 96‑99. [Periodicals]



Gries, J.P., 1951b, Paleozoic stratigraphy of western South Dakota, in Guidebook, Geological Society of America, Rocky Mountain Section, 4th Annual Meeting, 1951, p. 1‑6.



Gries, J.P., 1952a, Deadwood Formation, in Black Hills‑Williston Basin, Billings Geological Society, 3rd Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 42‑43.



Gries, J.P., 1952b, Mesozoic stratigraphy of the Dakota basin, in Black Hills‑Williston Basin, Billings Geological Society, 3rd Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 73‑78.



Gries, J.P., 1952c, Paleozoic stratigraphy of western South Dakota, in Sonnenberg, F.P., ed., Black Hills‑Williston Basin, Billings Geological Society, 3rd Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 70‑72.



Gries, J.P., 1953, South Dakota steps up exploration, Oil and Gas Journal, July 20, 1953, p. 114‑120. [Periodicals]



Gries, J.P., 1956a, Tectonics of the Black Hills [abs.], American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 40, p. 787. [Periodicals]



Gries, J.P., 1956b, Tectonics of the Black Hills (South Dakota‑Wyoming), American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Rocky Mountain Section, Geological Record, February 1956, p. 109‑118. [MBC/TN/860/.A33]



Gries, J.P., 1958, Ore deposits of the Black Hills, in Strickland, John, ed., Powder River Basin, Wyoming Geological Association, 13th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 225‑232. [MBC/QE/181/.W9/1958]



Gries, J.P., 1962a, The facts on ground water in South Dakota, Rapid City, S. Dak.., Report on conference on a program of research in atmospheric sciences and weather modification, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Final Report, Grant NSF‑G16962, p. 1‑17. [MBC/QC/851/.I5/no.62-1]



Gries, J.P., 1962b, Lower Cretaceous stratigraphy of South Dakota and the eastern edge of the Powder River Basin, in Symposium on Early Cretaceous rocks of Wyoming and adjacent areas, Wyoming Geological Association, 17th Annual Field Conference, p. 163‑172. [MBC/QE/181/.W9/1962]



Gries, J.P., 1963a, Geology of the southern Black Hills, in Guidebook to the geology of the northern Denver basin and adjacent uplifts, Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists, 14th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 189‑195.



Gries, J.P., 1963b, Sinkholes in the Minnekahta Formation, Black Hills, South Dakota, South Dakota Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 42, p. 76‑78. [MBC/Q/11/.S62]



Gries, J.P., 1964a, Geologic history of the Black Hills, in Mineral and water resources of South Dakota, U.S. 88th Congress, 2nd session, Committee Print, p. 23‑28. [SD DOCS/TN/24/.S8/U5/1964 ??? ALSO GOV DOCS ???]



Gries, J.P., 1964b, Barker dome oil field, Custer County, South Dakota, The Mountain Geologist, v. 1, no. 1, p. 43‑46. [Periodicals]



Gries, J.P., 1964c, Metallic mineral resources‑‑Manganese, in Mineral and water resources of South Dakota, U.S. 88th Congress, 2nd session, Committee Print, p. 64‑68. [SD DOCS/TN/24/.S8/U5/1964 ??? ALSO GOV DOCS ???]



Gries, J.P., 1964d, Nonmetallic and industrial mineral resources‑‑Limestone, in Mineral and water resources of South Dakota, U.S. 88th Congress, 2d session, Committee Print, p. 96‑102. [SD DOCS/TN/24/.S8/U5/1964 ??? ALSO GOV DOCS ???]



Gries, J.P., 1968, Second day trip (Road logs), in Wulf, G.R., ed., Black Hills area, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Wyoming Geological Association, 20th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 227‑229. [MBC/QE/181/.W9/1968]



Gries, J.P., 1970a, Field trip no. 1., Homestake Mine [road log], in Guidebook and road logs for 23rd annual meeting, Rocky Mountain Section, the Geological Society of America, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, p. 1‑4. [SD LC COLL/QE/164/.B55/G75/1970]



Gries, J.P., 1970b, Field trip no. 1., Homestake Mine [road log, alternate], in Guidebook and road logs for 23rd annual meeting, Rocky Mountain Section, the Geological Society of America, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, p. 5‑6. [SD LC COLL/QE/164/.B55/G75/1970]



Gries, J.P., 1970c., Field trip no. 4., Paleozoic and Mesozoic stratigraphy of the Rapid City area [road log], in Guidebook and road logs for 23rd annual meeting, Rocky Mountain Section, the Geological Society of America, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, p. 23‑26. [SD LC COLL/QE/164/.B55/G75/1970]



Gries, J.P., 1971a, Groundwater potential of the Pahasapa Limestone, South Dakota Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 50, p. 61‑65. [MBC/Q/11/.S62]



Gries, J.P., 1971b, Hydrogen ion concentration in surface and underground water, Black Hills, South Dakota, South Dakota Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 50, p. 57‑60. [MBC/Q/11/.S62]



Gries, J.P., 1974a, Mineral resources of the Black Hills area, South Dakota and Wyoming, U.S. Bureau of Mines Information Circular 8660, 61 p. [GD I 28.27:8660 also in SD LC COLL ##???]



Gries, J.P., 1974b, The geochemistry of certain mine and spring waters, western South Dakota, South Dakota Water Resources Research Institute, Project Completion Report, Brookings, S. Dak., 32 p.



Gries, J.P., 1974c, Mineral resources of the Black Hills area, South Dakota and Wyoming, U.S. Bureau of Mines Preliminary Report 194, 60 p. [SD LC COLL/TN/23/.U71]



Gries, J.P., 1975a, Paleozoic rocks, in Mineral and water resources of South Dakota, U.S. 94th Congress, 1st session, Committee Print, p. 32‑38. [SD DOCS/TN/24/.S8/U5/1975 ??? ALSO GOV DOCS ???]



Gries, J.P., 1975b, Limestone, in Mineral and water resources of South Dakota, U.S. 94th Congress, 1st session, Committee Print, p. 115‑122. [SD DOCS/TN/24/.S8/U5/1975 ??? ALSO GOV DOCS ???]



Gries, J.P., 1975c, Manganese in Mineral and water resources of South Dakota, U.S. 94th Congress, 1st session, Committee Print, p. 104‑108. [SD DOCS/TN/24/.S8/U5/1975 ??? ALSO GOV DOCS ???]



Gries, J.P., 1977, Geothermal application on the Madison (Pahasapa) aquifer system in South Dakota, Final Report, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, 96 p. [MBC/GB/1199.7/.S8/G75 also in SD LC COLL]



Gries, J.P., 1978, Geothermal applications of the Madison (Pahasapa) aquifer system in South Dakota, in Direct Utilization of Geothermal Energy, U.S. Department of Energy, Division of Geothermal Energy, Conference Proceedings, p. 61‑65.



Gries, J.P., 1988, Early industrial development of the Powder River Basin, in Diedrich, R.P., Dyka, M.A., and Miller, W.R., eds., Eastern Powder River Basin‑‑Black Hills, Wyoming Geological Association, 39th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 21‑28.



Gries, J.P., and Berg, D.A., 1951, Problems of the Minnelusa Formation in the Black Hills (South Dakota) [abs.], Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 62, p. 1535. [Periodicals]



Gries, J.P., and Cox, Earl, 1963, Second day's log, part III‑‑Junction U.S. 212‑85 (Belle Fourche) to Rainbow Arch to Belle Fourche to campground, in Cooper, G.G., Cardinal, D.F., Lorenz, H.W., and Lynn, J.R., eds., Northern Powder River Basin, Wyoming and Montana, Wyoming Geological Association and Billings Geological Society, 1st Joint Field Conference Guidebook, p. 193‑195. [MBC/QE/181/.W9/1963]



Gries, J.P., and Crooks, T.J., 1968, Water losses to the Madison (Pahasapa) Limestone, Black Hills, South Dakota, in Wulf, G.R., ed., Black Hills area, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Wyoming Geological Association, 20th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 209‑213. [MBC/QE/181/.W9/1968]



Gries, J.P., ed., 1970a, Guidebook and road logs for 23rd annual meeting, Rocky Mountain Section, the Geological Society of America, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, 36 p. [SD LC COLL/QE/164/.B55/.G75/1970]



Gries, J.P., and Kiesling, Thomas, 1969, Iron Hill area, Carbonate mining district, Lawrence County, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Open‑File Report 69‑109, 1 map, scale 1:1200. [GD I 19.76:69-109]



Gries, J.P., and Martin, J.E., 1985, Composite outcrop section of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic strata in the Black Hills and surrounding areas, in Rich, F.J., ed., Geology of the Black Hills, South Dakota and Wyoming, 2nd edition, Geological Society of America, Field Trip Guidebook, American Geological Institute, p. 261‑292. [we have 1st ed, not 2nd ed.  call ## ???]



Gries, J.P., and McGovney, P.E., 1952a, First day of field conference [road log], in Sonnenberg, F.P., ed., Black Hills‑Williston Basin, Billings Geological Society, 3rd Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 145‑147. [MBC/QE/133/.B5]



Gries, J.P., and McGovney, P.E., 1952b, Second day of field conference [road log], in Sonnenberg, F.P., ed., Black Hills‑Williston Basin, Billings Geological Society, 3rd Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 148‑149. [MBC/QE/133/.B55]



Gries, J.P., and Mickelson, J.C., 1964, Mississippian carbonate rocks of western South Dakota and adjoining areas, in Williston Basin Symposium, Billings Geological Society, 3rd International Proceedings, p. 109‑118. [MBC/QE/71/.I57/1964]



Gries, J.P., Niven, David, and Crooks, T.J., 1969, Geohydrology of the Pahasapa (Madison) Limestone at and near the outcrop, Black Hills, South Dakota [abs.], Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. _, no. _, p. 30. [Periodicals]



Gries, J.P., and Niven, D.W., 1967, Investigations of water losses to sinkholes in the Pahasapa Limestone, and their relation to resurgent springs, Black Hills, South Dakota [abs.], South Dakota Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 46, p. 245. [MBC/Q/11/.S62]



Gries, J.P., Niven, D.W., and Crooks, T.J., 1968, Recharge of the Pahasapa Limestone aquifer from stream losses, Black Hills, South Dakota, South Dakota Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 47, p. 56‑61. [MBC/Q/11/.S62]



Gries, J.P., and Steece, F.V., 1981, Field Trip #4; Paleozoic and Mesozoic stratigraphy of the northern Black Hills, in Rich, F.J., ed., Geology of the Black Hills, South Dakota and Wyoming, Geological Society of America, Rocky Mountain Section, Field Trip Guidebook, American Geological Institute, p. 175‑180. [SD LC COLL/QE/164/.B55/.G46]



Gries, J.P., and Tullis, E.L., 1955, The geologic history of the Black Hills, in South Dakota Black Hills Field Conference, North Dakota Geological Society, 3rd Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 31‑36. [MBC/QE/164/.B55/N67/1955]



Gries, J.P., and Tullis, E.L., 1966, The geologic history of the Black Hills, in Black Hills Field Conference, including an informal study of adjacent areas in SW North Dakota and NW South Dakota, North Dakota Geological Society, 4th Field Conference Guidebook [unpaginated], 6 p. [SD LC COLL/QE/164/.B55/B627/1966]



Griffitts, W.F., Larrabee, D.M., and Norton, J.J., 1962, Beryllium in the United States, exclusive of Alaska and Hawaii, U.S. Geological Survey Mineral Investigations Resource Map, MR‑35, scale 1:3, 168, 000. [MAPS/G/3701s/.H1/var./.U52/no.35]



Grigsby, R.N., 1983, Uranium exploration in the Chord Project, American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, p. 277‑292.



Grimes, J.H., 1973, The origin and occurrence of chromiferous muscovite in the Crow Formation of the southern Black Hills, Custer County, South Dakota, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology M.S. thesis, 76 p.



Grimes, W.W., 1955, Mine survey of the Horseshoe Comet property, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology B.S. thesis.



Grimes, W.W., and Harms, Norman, 1953, West Bear Butte structure, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology B.S. thesis.



Grinnell, F.B., 1875, Paleontological Report, Washington, U.S. Army, Engineering Department, 8 vol. [?], p. 75‑78.



Grootemaat, T.B., and Holland, H.D., 1955, Sodium and potassium content of muscovites from the Peerless Pegmatite, Black Hills, South Dakota [abs.], Geological Survey of America Bulletin, v. 66, p. 1569. [Periodicals]



Grose, L.T., 1972, Tectonics, in Mallory, W.W., ed., Geologic atlas of the Rocky Mountain region, Denver, Colo., Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists, p. 34‑44. [ATLAS CASE #2/G/1466/.C5/R6/1972]



Gross, John, 1905, Cyanide practice at the Maitland properties, American Institute of Mining Engineers Transactions, v. 35, p. 616‑636. [Periodicals]



Grout, F.F., and Schwartz, G.M., 1927, Alunitic gold ore in the Black Hills, Economic Geology, v. 22, p. 369‑373. [Periodicals]



Gruner, J.W., and Knox, J.A., 1957, Minerals identified from properties in Arizona, Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Report RME‑3148, p. 35‑51.



Gruner, J.W., and Smith, D.K., Jr., 1954, Ninth progress report for period April 1 to October 1, 1954, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Report RME‑3103, 10 p.



Grunwald, R.R., 1961, A preliminary study of northern Black Hills terrace deposits [abs.], South Dakota Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 40, p. 248‑249. [MBC/Q/11/.S62]



Grunwald, R.R., 1970, Geology and mineral deposits of the Galena mining district, Black Hills, South Dakota, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology Ph.D. dissertation, 321 p.



Grutt, E.W., Jr., 19xx [no date], Uranium exploration in Wyoming and new exploration techniques, Mines magazine, v. 59, no. 1, p. 17‑19. [Periodicals]



Guess, R.H., and Swirczynski, R.P., 1968, Muddy exploration, 1887‑1968, in Wulf, G.R., ed., Black Hills area, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Wyoming Geological Association, 20th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 41‑46. [MBC/QE/181/.W9/1968]



Guilbert, J.M., and Park, C.F., Jr., 1986, The geology of ore deposits, New York, W.H. Freeman and Company, 985 p. [MBC/QE/390/.G953/1986]



Guimaraes, Djalma, 1942, Arrojadita, um novo mineral do grupo da wagnerita, Bulletin of the Faculty, Philosophical Science Letters, Universidade Sao Paulo, no. 30, Publications in Mineralagia, no. 5, p. 3‑16. [Periodicals]



Guiteras, J.R., 1939, Mining and milling methods and costs at the Black Hills Tin Company, Tinton, South Dakota, U.S. Bureau of Mines Information Circular 7084, 16 p. [GD I 28.27:7084]



Guiteras, J.R., 1940, Mining of feldspar and associated minerals in the southern Black Hills of South Dakota, U.S. Bureau of Mines Information Circular 7112, 104 p. [GD I 28.27:7112]



Gustafson, J.K., 1930, The Homestake gold‑bearing formation, Cambridge, Harvard University Ph.D. dissertation.



Gustafson, J.K., 1933, Metamorphism and hydrothermal alteration of the Homestake gold‑bearing formation, Economic Geology, v. 28, p. 123‑163. [Periodicals]



Gutentag, E.D., and Weeks, J.B., 1980, Water table in the High Plains aquifer in 1978 in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming, U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigation Atlas HA‑642, scale 1:24, 000. [MAPS/G/3701s/.C3/var./.U5/no.642]



Guthe, O.E., 1933, The Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Ph.D. dissertation.



Gwynne, C.S., 1944, Pegmatites in the Beecher Rock basin, South Dakota Geological Survey Report of Investigations 48, 25 p. [SD DOCS/QE/163/.A46]