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Jackson, C.T., 1863, Meteoric iron from Dakota Territory, American Journal of Science, 2nd series, v. 36, p. 259‑261. [Periodicals]



Jackson, C.T., 1864, Observations sur les gites metalliferes de quelques parties de l'Amerique septentrionale et sur un nouvel aerolithe, Academy of Science, Paris, C.R., 58, p. 240‑242.



Jackson, C.T., 1866, On a meteorite from the Dakota Indian country, American Academy of Arts and Science Proceedings 6, p. 166‑167.



Jackson, Donald, 1966, Custer's gold, New Haven, Conn., Yale University Press, 152 p. [SD LC COLL/E/99/.D1/J3]



Jackson, Donald, 1972, Custer's gold‑‑The U.S. Cavalry expedition of 1874, University of Nebraska Press, 152 p.



Jaffe, H.W., 1946, A new occurrence of griphite, American Mineralogist, v. 31, no. 7‑8, p. 404‑406. [Periodicals]



Jaggar, T.A., Jr., 1901, The laccoliths of the Black Hills, with a chapter on Experiments illustrating intrusion and erosion, by Ernest Howe, U.S. Geological Survey Twenty‑first Annual Report, Part 3, p. 163‑303. [MBC/QE/164/.B55a/J3 also in GOV DOC I 19.1:21st]



Jaggar, T.A., Jr., 1904, General geology, Part 1 of Irving, J.D., Emmons, S. F., and Jaggar, T.A., Jr., Economic resources of the northern Black Hills, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 26, p. 1‑42. [GD I 19.16:26]



Jahns, R.H., 1953, The genesis of pegmatites. I. Occurrence and origin of giant crystals, American Mineralogist, v. 38, p. 563‑598. [Periodicals]



Jahns, R.H., 1955, The study of pegmatites, in Bateman, A.M., ed., 50th Anniversary volume, 1905‑1906, Economic Geology, part 2, p. 1025‑1130. [Periodicals]



Jahn, W.F., and Personen, P.E., 1949, Investigation of tin‑bearing pegmatites in the Tinton area, Lawrence County, South Dakota, U.S. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations 4484, 25 p. [GD I 28.27:4484]



Jamison, C.E., 1911, Mineral resources of Wyoming, Wyoming Geological Survey Bulletin 1, p. 1‑40.



Janosky, R.A., 1949, Geology of the Hill City region, Pennington County, South Dakota, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology M.S. thesis, 29 p.



Jefferis, W.W., 1897, Microscopic quartz crystals, Mineral Collector, August, 1897, p. 87. [Periodicals]



Jeffries, L.F., and Tczap, A., 1978, Homestake's Grizzly Gulch tailings disposal project, Mining Congress Journal, v. 64, p. 23‑28. [Periodicals]



Jenkins, M.A., and McCoy, M.R., 1958, Cambro‑Mississippian correlations in the eastern Powder River Basin, Wyoming and Montana, in Strickland, John, ed., Powder River Basin, Wyoming Geological Association, 13th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 31‑35. [MBC/QE/181/.W9/1958]



Jenkins, P.R., ed., 1949, Powder River Basin, Wyoming Geological Association, 4th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, 102 p. [MBC/QE/181/.W9/1949]



Jenner, G.A. Jr., 1984, Tertiary alkalic igneous activity, potassic fenitization, carbonatitic magmatism, and hydrothermal activity in the central and southeastern Bear Lodge Mountains, Crook County, Wyoming, Grand Forks, University of North Dakota M.S. thesis, 232 p.



Jenney, W.P., 1875, Report of geological survey of the Black Hills, U.S. Committee on Indian Affairs Annual Report, p. 181‑183.



Jenney, W.P., 1876, The mineral wealth, climate and rainfall and natural resources of the Black Hills of Dakota, U.S. 44th Congress, 1st session, Senate Executive Document 51, 71 p., 1 map. [SD LC COLL/F/657/.B6/J45]



Jenney, W.P., 1880a, Climate, and resources (of the Black Hills), U.S. Geographical and Geological Survey, Report on the geology and resources of the Black Hills of Dakota, p. 301‑324. [SD LC COLL/QE/74/.D84]



Jenney, W.P., 1880b, Mineral resources of the Black Hills of Dakota, U.S. Geographical and Geological Survey, Report on the geology and resources of the Black Hills of Dakota, p. 301‑324. [SD LC COLL/QE/74/.P84]



Jenney, W.P., 1899, Field observations in the Hay Creek coal field, in Ward, L.F., The Cretaceous formations of the Black Hills as indicated by the fossil plants, U.S. Geological Survey 19th Annual Report, part 2‑e, p. 568‑593. [GD I 19.1:19th]



Jenney, W.P., 1903, The chemistry of ore deposition, American Institute of Mining Engineers Transactions, v. 33, p. 445‑498. [Periodicals]



Jenney, W.P., and Newton, H.A, 1880, Report on the geology and resources of the Black Hills of Dakota, U.S. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region (Powell Survey). [SD LC COLL/QE/74/P84]



Jennings, T.V., 1959, Faunal zonation of the Minnelusa Formation, Black Hills, South Dakota, Journal of Paleontology, v. 33, p. 986‑1000. [Periodicals]



Jensen, Martin, 1984, Major, minor, and trace elements (REE's) in apatite as recorders of pegmatite petrogenesis, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology M.S. thesis. [THESIS/QE/391/.S6/J55/1984]



Johnson, A.I., 1931, Pegmatite minerals of the Black Hills, Black Hills Engineer, v. 19, p. 32‑41. [Periodicals]



Johnson, A.I., 1937a, Feldspar mining in the Black Hills, Black Hills Engineer, v. 23. [Periodicals]



Johnson, A.I., 1937b, Pegmatite mining in the Black Hills, Black Hills Engineer, v. 23, p. 202‑210. [Periodicals]



Johnson, A.I., 1938, Tantalum from the Black Hills; the deposits of South Dakota provide the only commercial domestic source at present, Engineering and Mining Journal, v. 139, p. 39‑42. [Periodicals]



Johnson, A.I., 1940, The mining industry of South Dakota, Black Hills Engineer, v. 26. [Periodicals]



Johnson, A.I., 1942, Industrial minerals of the Black Hills, Black Hills Engineer, v. 27, p. 210‑213. [Periodicals]



Johnson, A.I., 1945, Beryl found in large crystals at the Ingersoll Mine in the Black Hills of South Dakota, Pit and Quarry, v. 38, p. 82‑83. [Periodicals]



Johnson, A.I., 1949, Black Hills mining‑‑a diversified industry, Black Hills Engineer, v.28 no.3, p.21-23. [Periodicals]



Johnson, A.I., and Schwartz, G.M., 1937, Pegmatite mining in South Dakota, Brookings, S. Dak., South Dakota State Planning Board. [SD DOCS/TN/24/.S8/P43/1937]



Johnson, B.L., 1922, Tin, U.S. Geological Survey, Mineral Resources of the Unites States, 1920, part 1, p. 505‑506.



Johnson, B.L., 1924a, Tin, U.S. Geological Survey, Mineral Resources of the Unites States, 1920, part 1, p. 71.



Johnson, B.L., 1924b, Tin, U.S. Geological Survey, Mineral Resources of the Unites States, 1922, part 2, p. 169.



Johnson, B.L., 1927a, Tin, U.S. Bureau of Mines, Mineral Resources of the Unites States, 1923, part 1, p. 101.



Johnson, B.L., 1927b, Tin, U.S. Bureau of Mines, Mineral Resources of the Unites States, 1924, part 1, p. 31.



Johnson, D.V., 1973, Water wells in the Inyan Kara Group near Rapid City, South Dakota, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology M.S. thesis, 35 p. [THESIS/TD/405/.J661/1973]



Johnson, J.H., 1919, Description of Crystal Cave, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology B.S. thesis.



Johnson, J.H., 1920a, An interesting occurrence of isomorphous siderite and calcite, Pahasapa Quarterly, v. 9, p. 20. [Periodicals]



Johnson, J.H., 1920b, Water pool calcite, an interesting cave mineral, Pahasapa Quarterly, v. 9, p. 61‑64. [Periodicals]



Johnson, J.H., and Snyder, J.P., 1920, The caves of the Black Hills, Pahasapa Quarterly, v. 9, p. 175‑187. [Periodicals]



Johnson, K.A., 1973, Meteorology and hydrology of Rapid City flood, American Society of Civil Engineers, Hydraulics Division, Annual Spec. Conference, Proceedings, v. 21, p. 451‑455.



Johnson, M.S., 1958, The Newcastle‑Muddy Sandstone, Powder River Basin, Wyoming, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Rocky Mountain Geological Record, p. 109‑113.



Johnson, R.G., and Kellar, J.D., 1952, Original research into the possible profitable mining of a Deadwood ore, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology B.S. thesis.



Johnson, T.L., 1975, Water quality study of a shallow aquifer at Keystone, South Dakota, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology M.S. thesis, 135 p.



Johnston, J.B., 1986, A magnetic survey of the Tertiary intrusives comprising the Circus Flats and Bear Butte structures, Meade County, South Dakota [abs.], Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 18, no. 4, p. 311. [Periodicals]



Jolliff, B.L., 1985, Tourmaline as a recorder of pegmatite evolution; Bob Ingersoll Pegmatite, Black Hills, South Dakota, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology M.S. thesis. [THESIS/QE/462/.P4/J75/1985]



Jolliff, B.L., 1987, Petrogenesis, geochemical relationships and internal evolution of granitic pegmatites in the Keystone area, Black Hills, South Dakota, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology Ph.D. dissertation. [THESIS/QE/462/.P4/J75/1987]



Jolliff, B.L., Papike, J.J., and Laul, J.C., 1987, Mineral recorders of pegmatite internal evolution; REE contents of tourmaline from the Bob Ingersoll Pegmatite, South Dakota, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 51, no. 8, p. 2225‑2232. [Periodicals]



Jolliff, B.L., Papike, J.J., and Shearer, C.K., 1986, Tourmaline as a recorder of pegmatite evolution; Bob Ingersoll Pegmatite, Black Hills, South Dakota, American Mineralogist, v. 71, no. 3 and 4, p. 472‑500. [Periodicals]



Jolliff, B.L., Papike, J.J., and Shearer, C.K., 1986, Tourmaline as a recorder of pegmatite evolution; Bob Ingersoll Pegmatite, Black Hills, South Dakota, in Brown, G.E., Jr., and Ewing, R.C., eds., R.H. Jahns memorial issue; The mineralogy, petrology, and geochemistry of granitic pegmatites and related, granitic rocks, American Mineralogist, v. 71, nos. 3‑4, p. 472‑500. [Periodicals]



Jolliff, B.L., Papike, J.J., and Shearer, C.K., 1987, Fractionation trends in mica and tourmaline as indicators of pegmatite internal evolution; Bob Ingersoll Pegmatite, Black Hills, South Dakota, in Papike, J.J., ed., Mineralogy and geochemistry of granites and pegmatites, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 51, no. 3, p. 519‑534. [Periodicals]



Jolliff, B., Shearer, C.K., and Papike, J.J., 1984, Tourmaline as a recorder of pegmatite evolution; Bob Ingersoll Pegmatite, Black Hills, South Dakota [abs.], EOS, American Geophysical Union Transactions, v. 65, no. 16, p. 297. [Periodicals]



Jones, Bob, 1958, Log interpretation techniques, eastern Powder River Basin, Wyoming, in Strickland, John, ed., Powder River Basin, Wyoming Geological Association, 13th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 207‑212. [MBC/QE/181/.W9/1958]



Jones, Bob, 1962, Advancements in exploration technique using log derived data factors, in Enyert, R.L., and Curry, W.H., III., eds., Early Cretaceous rocks of Wyoming and adjacent areas, Wyoming Geological Association, 17th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 268‑272. [MBC/QE/181/.W9/1962]



Jones, Bob, 1968, The use of Rw and Sh log‑derived values in oil and gas exploration programs, in Wulf, G.R., ed., Black Hills area, South Dakota, Montana, and Wyoming, Wyoming Geological Association, 20th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 101‑105. [MBC/QE/181/.W9/1968]



Jones, H.W., and others, 1909, Standby Mine, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology B.S. thesis.



Jones, J.K., 1875, The Black Hills Dakota, gold and silver mining‑‑All about the auriferous region known as the Black Hills Country, Indianapolis, Ind., 80 p.



Jones, R.S., 1972, Geochemistry of selected areas in the southern Black Hills, Fall River County, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Open‑File Report 72‑200, 124 p. [GD I 19.76:72-200]



Jones, R.W., Jr., 1964, Collecting fluorescent minerals, Rocks and Minerals, v. 39, nos. 7‑8, p. 399. [Periodicals]



Jones, T.S., 1980, Columbium and tantalum, in U.S. Bureau of Mines Minerals Yearbook 1978‑79, v. 1, Metals and minerals, p. 259‑270. [GD I 28.37:978?9?]



Joralemon, Peter, 1953a, Silver Dollar Mica Mine, in Page, L.R., Norton, J.J., Stoll, W.C., Hanley, J.B., Adams, J.W., Pray, L.C., Steven, T.A., Erickson, M.P., Joralemon, Peter, Stopper, R.F., and Hall, W.E., Pegmatite investigations, 1942‑45, Black Hills, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 247, p. 190‑191. [GD I 19.16:247]



Joralemon, Peter, 1953b, White Bear Mica Mine, in Page, L.R., Norton, J.J., Stoll, W.C., Hanley, J.B., Adams, J.W., Pray, L.C., Steven, T.A., Erickson, M.P., Joralemon, Peter, Stopper, R.F., and Hall, W.E., Pegmatite investigations, 1942‑45, Black Hills, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 247, p. 213‑215. [GD I 19.16:247]



Joralemon, Peter, 1953c, Beecher Lode, in Page, L.R., Norton, J.J., Stoll, W.C., Hanley, J.B., Adams, J.W., Pray, L.C., Steven, T.A., Erickson, M.P., Joralemon, Peter, Stopper, R.F., and Hall, W.E., Pegmatite investigations, 1942‑45, Black Hills, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 247, p. 65‑71. [GD I 19.16:247]



Joralemon, Peter, 1953d, Beecher No. 2 and Longview spodumene claims, in Page, L.R., Page, L.R., Norton, J.J., Stoll, W.C., Hanley, J.B., Adams, J.W., Pray, L.C., Steven, T.A., Erickson, M.P., Joralemon, Peter, Stopper, R.F., and Hall, W.E., Pegmatite investigations, 1942‑45, Black Hills, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 247, p. 71‑73. [GD I 19.16:247]



Joralemon, Peter, 1953e, Lucky Star mica prospect (Custer district), in Page, L.R., Norton, J.J., Stoll, W.C., Hanley, J.B., Adams, J.W., Pray, L.C., Steven, T.A., Erickson, M.P., Joralemon, Peter, Stopper, R.F., and Hall, W.E., Pegmatite investigations 1942‑1945, Black Hills, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 247, p. 146. [GD I 19.16:247]



Josephy, A.M., Jr., 1978, Agony of the northern plains, in Ruedisili, L.C., an Firebaugh, M.W., eds., Perspectives on energy; issues, ideas, and environmental dilemmas, Oxford University Press, p. 205‑225.



Julien, A.A., 1901, A study of the structure of fulgurites, Journal of Geology, v. 9, p. 673‑693. [Periodicals]



Jumnongthai, Manit, 1979, Geology of the Sugarloaf Mountain area, Lead, South Dakota, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology M.S. thesis, 101 p. [THESIS/QE/601.2/.J942/1979]



Jumongthai, J., 1979, Foraminifera of the upper cretaceous Belle Fourche shale, Greenhorn and Carlile formations, Weston County, Wyoming, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology M.S. thesis, 59 p.