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Lacraft, D.C., 1929, An analysis of South Dakota shales, Rapid City, S. Dak., South Dakota School of Mines and Technology B.S. thesis.



Ladle, G.H., 1972, The sedimentary petrography and sedimentation of the Deadwood Formation (Cambrian) in the Black Hills, South Dakota and Wyoming, Houston, Texas Southern University thesis.



Lageson, D.R., and Hausel, W.D., eds., 1978, Occurrence of uranium in Precambrian and younger rocks of Wyoming and adjacent areas, Wyoming Geological Survey Public Information Circular 7, 37 p.



Lakes, Arthur, 1896, Prospecting for gold and silver in North America, Scranton, Pa., Colliery Engineer Company, p. 233‑240.



Lakes, Arthur, 1910a, Some peculiar volcanic phenomena in Dakota and other regions, Mining Science, v. 61, p. 82‑84. [Periodicals]



Lakes, Arthur, 1910b, The Black Hills of South Dakota, Mining Science, v. 61, p. 100‑103. [Periodicals]



Landes, K.K., 1928, Sequence of mineralization in the Keystone, South Dakota pegmatites, American Mineralogist, v. 13, p. 519‑530; no. 11, p. 537‑558. [Periodicals]



Landes, K.K., 1933a, Origin and classification of pegmatites, American Mineralogist, v. 18, no. 2, p. 33‑56. [Periodicals]



Landes, K.K., 1933b, Origin and classification of pegmatites, American Mineralogist, v. 18, no. 3, p. 95‑103. [Periodicals]



Landes, K.K., 1935, Age and distribution of pegmatites, American Mineralogist, v. 20, no. 2, p. 81‑105. [Periodicals]



Landes, K.K., 1937, Pegmatites and hydrothermal veins, American Mineralogist, v. 22, no. 5, p. 551‑560. [Periodicals]



Landis, E.R., 1964, Mineral fuel resources‑‑coal, in Mineral and water resources of South Dakota, U.S. 88th Congress, 2nd session, Committee Print, p. 147‑151. [SD DOCS/TN/24/.S8/U5/1964 ??? ALSO GOV DOCS ???]



Landis, E.R., 1975, Mineral fuel resources‑‑coal, in Mineral and water resources of South Dakota, U.S. 94th Congress, 1st session, Committee Print, p. 167‑172. [SD DOCS/TN/24/.S8/U5/1975 ??? ALSO GOV DOCS ???]



Lane, D.W., Root, F.K., and Glass, G.B., 1972, Energy resources map of Wyoming, Wyoming Geological Survey Map, scale 1:500, 000. [MAPS/G/4262/.N3/1972/W95]



Lane, R.W., 1951, Precambrian geology of the Rapid Creek‑Bloody Gulch area near Rochford, South Dakota, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology M.S. thesis, 34 p.



Lane, R.W., and Wilson, J.M., 1951, Geology of a Precambrian area near Rochford, South Dakota [abs.], Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 62, p. 1538‑1539. [Periodicals]



Lang, A.J., Jr., 1950, Feldspathized schist of the Fourmile area, Custer County, South Dakota [abs.], Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 61, p. 1527. [Periodicals]



Lang, A.J., Jr., 1955 [1956], Geologic map of the Triangle A Pegmatite, Custer County, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Mineral Investigations Field Studies Map MF‑44, scale 1:600. [MAPS/G/3701s/.H1/var./.U5/no.44]



Lang, A.J., Jr., 1957, Petrography and pegmatites of the Fourmile area, Custer County, South Dakota, Seattle, University of Washington M.S. thesis.



Lang, A.J., Jr., and Redden, J.A., 1952, Geology and pegmatites of part of the Fourmile area, Custer County, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Trace Element Investigation Report 155, 60 p.



Lang, A.J., Jr., and Redden, J.A., 1953, Geology and pegmatites of part of the Fourmile area, Custer County, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Circular 245, 20 p. [GD I 19.4/2:245]



Lang, W.J., 1963, Oxidized uranium deposits of the southern Black Hills, South Dakota, Tucson, University of Arizona M.S. thesis, 64 p.



Lanphere, A.M., 1937, Black Hills limestone, Black Hills Engineer, v. 23, p. 199. [Periodicals]



Larimer, O.J., 1973, Flood of June 1‑10, 1972, at Rapid City, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigation Atlas HA‑511, scale 1:18, 000. [MAPS/G/3701s/.C3/var./.U5/no.511]



Larrabee, D.M., 1946, Preliminary map showing sand and gravel deposits of South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Missouri Basin Studies Map No. 4.

Larsen, E.S., 1921, The microscopic determination of nonopaque minerals, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 679, 294 p. [GD I 19.3:679]



Larsen, H.A., and Raubach, F.L., 1954, Geology and mineralization of the Spokane mining area, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology B.S. thesis.



Larsen, R.K., 1977, Geology, alteration and mineralization of the northern Cutting stock, Lawrence County, South Dakota, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology M.S. thesis, 147 p.



Larsen, R.K., 1981, Geology, alteration, and mineralization of the northern Cutting stock, Lawrence County, South Dakota [abs.], Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 13, no. 4, p. 202. [Periodicals]



Larson, J.L., 1971, The sulfosalt mineralogy of the Silver City mining district, central Black Hills, South Dakota, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology M.S. thesis, 41 p.



Larson, Peter, and Honert, James, 1977, Rose quartz of the Black Hills, Lapidary Journal, v. 31, no. 2, p. 534‑538. [Periodicals]



Larson, R., 1931, Placer mining on Castle Creek, Black Hills Engineer, v. 19, p. 331. [Periodicals]



Larson, T.C., 1955, A stratigraphic study of the (Cretaceous) Inyan Kara Group of the Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming, Madison, University of Wisconsin M.S. thesis.



Laudon, R.B., ed., 1976, Geology and energy resources of the Powder River [Basin], Wyoming Geological Association, 28th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, 328 p. [MBC/QE/181/.W9/1976]



Laul, J.C., Walker, R.J., Shearer, C.K., Papike, J.J., and Simon, S.B., 1984, Chemical migration by contact metamorphism between pegmatite and country rocks; natural analogs for radionuclide migration, in McVay, G.L., ed., Scientific basis for nuclear waste management VII, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, v. 26, p. 951‑958.



Laury, R.L., 1980, Paleoenvironment of a late Quaternary mammoth‑bearing sinkhole deposit, Hot Springs, South Dakota, Geological Society of America Bulletin 91, p. 465‑475. [Periodicals]



Laury, R.L., Agenbroad, L.D., and Dutrow, B.L., 1978, Sedimentology of large Quaternary mammoth‑bearing sinkhole deposits, Hot Springs, South Dakota, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 62, p. 535‑536. [Periodicals]



Laury, R.L., and Kempton, P.D., 1980, Late Quaternary landscape evolution of the southern Black Hills, South Dakota, American Quaternary Association, 6th Biennial Meeting, Orono, Maine, p. 126.



Laval, W.N., 1963, Engineering geology problems in Rapid City, South Dakota [abs.], Geological Society of America Special Paper 73, p. 89‑90. [MBC/QE/1/.G299]



Leatherock, Constance, 1950, Subsurface stratigraphy of Paleozoic rocks in southeastern Montana and adjacent parts of Wyoming and South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Oil and Gas Investigations Chart OC‑40, scale 1:3, 600. [MAPS]



Leaver, E.S., and Woolf, J.A., 1928, Cyanide extraction of gold and silver associated with arsenic and antimony in ores, with especial reference to those in Nevada and South Dakota, U.S. Bureau of Mines Technical Paper 423, 52 p. [GD I 28.]



Lederer, S., 1924, Tin in the Black Hills, Engineering and Mining Journal, v. 117, p. 295. [Periodicals]



Ledyard, L.W., 1909, The Cleopatra Mine, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology B.S. thesis.



Lee, W.T., 1915, Reasons for regarding the Morrison an introductory Cretaceous formation, Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 26, p. 303‑314. [Periodicals]



Leidy, Joseph, 1869, The extinct mammalian fauna of Dakota and Nebraska, including an account of some allied forms from other localities, together with a synopsis of the mammalian remains of North America, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Science Journal, v. 7, p. 23‑472. [Periodicals]



Leith, C.K., 1905, Rock Cleavage, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 239, 216 p. [GD I 19.3:239]



Levene, Harold, 1968, Economics of coal as energy source in the Black Hills, in Wulf, G.R., ed., Black Hills area, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Wyoming Geological Association, 20th Field Conference Guidebook, p. 143‑146. [MBC/QE/181/.W9/1968]



Lewis, P.J., Hadley, H.D., and Larsen, R.B., 1952, Catalog of formation names for Williston Basin and adjacent areas, in Black Hills‑Williston Basin, Montana Geological Association, 3rd Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 132.



Lewis, T.J., 1929, Rose quartz near Custer, S.D., Rocks and Minerals, p. 43. [Periodicals]



Lewry, J.F., Collerson, K.D., Bickford, M.E., and Van Schmus, W.R., 1986, An evolutionary model of the western Churchill province and western margin of the Superior province in Canada and the north‑central United States‑‑Discussion and Reply, Tectonophysics, v. 131, p. 183‑197. [Periodicals]



Lidiak, E.G., 1971, Buried Precambrian rocks of South Dakota, Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 82, p. 1411‑1420. [Periodicals]



Lincoln, F.C., 1911, Certain natural associations of gold, Economic Geology, v. 6, p. 247‑302. [Periodicals]



Lincoln, F.C., 1926a, Half a century of mining in the Black Hills, Engineering and Mining Journal, v. 122, p. 205‑214. [Periodicals]



Lincoln, F.C., 1926b, Rock products industry of South Dakota, Rock Products, v. 30, no. 9, p. 53‑56, no. 11, p. 33‑38. [Periodicals]



Lincoln, F.C., 1927a, Feldspar mining, a new industry in the Black Hills, Engineering and Mining Journal, v. 124, p. 5‑6. [Periodicals]



Lincoln, F.C., 1927b, Pegmatite mining in the Black Hills, Engineering and Mining Journal, v. 123, p. 1003‑1006. [Periodicals]



Lincoln, F.C., 1927c, The Etta Mine; a unique lithia producer in the Black Hills, Engineering and Mining Journal, v. 124, p. 213‑214. [Periodicals]



Lincoln, F.C., 1930a, Black Hills feldspar mining industry has interesting history, Pit and Quarry, v. 20, p. 37‑42. [Periodicals]



Lincoln, F.C., 1930b, Engineering practice at the Mount Rushmore National Monument Memorial, Black Hills Engineer, v. 18. [Periodicals]



Lincoln, F.C., 1930c, Mining industry in South Dakota, South Dakota Society of Engineers and Architects, 11th annual meeting, Proceedings, p. 77‑79.



Lincoln, F.C., 1930d, Quarrying limestone in the Black Hills of South Dakota, Rock Products, v. 32, p. 42‑47. [Periodicals]



Lincoln, F.C., 1931, The gypsum industry in the Black Hills, Black Hills Engineer, v. 19, p. 20‑22. [Periodicals]



Lincoln, F.C., 1934, Beryl in the Black Hills, Engineering and Mining Journal, v. 135, p. 202‑203. [Periodicals]



Lincoln, F.C., 1937, Mining in South Dakota, in Lincoln, F.C., Miser, W.G., and Cummings, J.B., The Mining industry of South Dakota, South Dakota School of Mines Bulletin 17, p. 9‑42. [Periodicals]



Lincoln, F.C., 1942, The strategic minerals of the Black Hills, Black Hills Engineer, v. 27, p. 175‑185. [Periodicals]



Lincoln, F.C., 1943, Spodumene production of South Dakota, U.S. Bureau of Mines Miscellaneous Report.



Lincoln, F.C., 1944, Sixth report on the lithium resources of the Black Hills, U.S. Bureau of Mines.



Lincoln, F.C., Miser, R.G., and Cummings, J.B., 1937, The mining industry of South Dakota, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology Bulletin 17, 201 p. [Periodicals]



Lincoln, G.L., 1931, The gypsum industry of the Black Hills, Black Hills Engineer, v. 19. [Periodicals]



Lindberg, M.L., 1948, Arrojadite and graftonite from the Nickel Plate Mine, South Dakota [abs.], Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 59, p. 1336‑1337. [Periodicals]



Lindberg, M.L., 1949, Arrojadite and graftonite from the Nickel Plate Mine, South Dakota [abs.], American Mineralogist, v. 34, nos. 3‑4, p. 279‑280. [Periodicals]



Lindberg, M.L., 1950, Arrojadite, huhnerkobelite, and graftonite, American Mineralogist, v. 35, p. 59‑76. [Periodicals]



Linde, Martha, 1979, Tufa; the decorator's delight, Gems & Minerals, no. 496, p. 38. [Periodicals]



Lindgard, A.L., and Roberts, W.L., 1968, Sampling of pegmatite dumps, Black Hills, South Dakota, in Wulf, G.R., ed., Black Hills area, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Wyoming Geological Association, 20th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 190‑194. [MBC/QE/181/.S9/1968]



Lindgard, A.L., and Roberts, W.L., 1969, Utilization of mine dumps, Engineering and Mining Experiment Station: South Dakota School of Mines and Technology final report under U.S. Bureau of Mines Contract SWD‑4.



Lindgard, A L., and Roberts, W L., 1970, Utilization of mine dumps in the Black Hills, South Dakota; Carbonate Camp, Spokane, and Galena districts, South Dakota Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 49, p. 98‑130. [MBC/Q/11/.S62]



Lindgren, Waldemar, 1903, The geological features of the gold production of North America, America Institute of Mining Engineers Transactions, v. 33, p. 790‑845. [Periodicals]



Lindgren, Waldemar, 1906, Gold and silver; South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Mineral Resources of the U.S. calendar year 1905, p. 293‑297.



Lindgren, Waldemar, 1909, Resources of the United States in gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc, in Papers on the conservation of mineral resources, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 394, p. 114‑156. [GD I 19.3:394]



Lindgren, Waldemar, 1919, Mineral Deposits, 2nd edition, New York, McGraw‑Hill. [MBC/TN/263/.L7/1919]



Lindgren, Waldemar, 1933, Mineral Deposits, 4th edition, New York, McGraw‑Hill. [TN/263/.L7/1933]



Lisenbee, A.L., 1975, Structural geology, Black Hills, in Mineral and water resources of South Dakota, U.S. 94th Congress, 1st session, Committee Print, p. 52‑56. [SD DOCS/TN/24/.S8/U5/1975 ??? ALSO GOV DOCS ???]



Lisenbee, A.L., 1978, Laramide structure of the Black Hills uplift, South Dakota‑Wyoming‑Montana, in Matthews, Vincent, III, ed., Laramide folding associated with basement block faulting in the western United States, Geological Society of America Memoir 151, p. 165‑196. [MBC/QE/1/.G299/v.151]



Lisenbee, A.L., 1981a, Studies of the Tertiary intrusions of the northern Black Hills Uplift, South Dakota and Wyoming; a historical review, in Rich, F.J., ed., Geology of the Black Hills, South Dakota and Wyoming, Geological Society of America, Field Trip Guidebooks, American Geological Institute, p. 106‑125. [MBC/QE/164/.B55/G46 also in SD LC COLL]



Lisenbee, A.L., 1981b, Tertiary igneous province; northern Black Hills, South Dakota and Wyoming; an overview [abs.], Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 13, no. 4, p. 202. [Periodicals]



Lisenbee, A.L., 1985, Tectonic map of the Black Hills uplift, Montana, Wyoming, and South Dakota, Geological Survey of Wyoming Map Series 13, scale 1:250, 000.



Lisenbee, A.L., 1988, Tectonic history of the Black Hills uplift, in Diedrich, R.P., Dyka, M.A., and Miller, W.R., eds., Eastern Powder River Basin‑‑Black Hills, Wyoming Geological Association, 39th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 45‑52.



Lisenbee, A.L., Karner, F.R., Fashbaugh, E.F., Halvorson, D.L., O'Toole, F.S., White, S.F., Wilkinson, Michael, and Kirchener, J.G., 1981, Field Trip #2; Geology of the Tertiary intrusive province of the northern Black Hills, South Dakota and Wyoming, in Rich, F.J., ed., Geology of the Black Hills, South Dakota and Wyoming, Geological Society of America, Rocky Mountain Section, Field Trip Guidebook, American Geological Institute, p. 33‑105. [MBC/QE/164/.B55/G46 also in SD LC COLL]



Lisenbee, A.L., and Martin, J.E., 1988, Igneous‑related structure of the southeastern Bear Lodge dome, Crook County, Wyoming, in Diedrich, R.P., Dyka, M.A., and Miller, W.R., eds., Eastern Powder River Basin‑‑Black Hills, Wyoming Geological Association, 39th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 67‑76.



Lisenbee, A.L., and Shurr, G.W., 1988, Laramide beneath the prairies [abs.], Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 20, no. 7, p. A385. [Periodicals]



Lisle, T.D., 1949, Beryl location in South Dakota, Rocks and Minerals, v. 24, p. 397. [Periodicals]



Liston, J., 1964, Digging for gold over one mile deep; Homestake Mine, Popular Science, v. 185, p. 68‑71. [Periodicals]



Little, W.M., 1960, Inclusions in cassiterite and associated minerals, Economic Geology, v. 55, no. 3, p. 485‑509. [Periodicals]



Littlefield, Max, 1939, Log of wildcat well in Pennington County, South Dakota, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 23, p. 1234‑1238. [Periodicals]



Littleton, R.T., 1949, Geology and ground water hydrology of the Angostura irrigation project, South Dakota, with a section on The mineral quality of waters, by H.A. Swenson, U.S. Geological Survey Circular 54, 96 p. [GD I 19.4/2:54]



Lochman‑Balk, Christina, 1964, Paleo‑ecologic studies of the Deadwood Formation (Cambro‑Ordovician) [with discussion], in Palaeontology and Stratigraphy, 22nd International Geological Congress, India, Report 22, part 8, p. 25‑38. [MBC/QE/1/.I6/1964cm]



Lochman‑Balk, Christina, 1972, Cambrian system, in Mallory, W.W., ed., Geologic atlas of the Rocky Mountain region, Denver, Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists, p. 60‑75. [ATLAS CASE #2 G/1466/.C5/R6/1972]



Lock, C.G.W., 1895, Gold mining and milling in the Black Hills (South Dakota), Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Transactions, London, v. 3, part 1, p. 151‑185, 185‑200. [Periodicals]



Lockery, W.L., 1952, Paha‑Sapa pageant, in Sonnenberg, F.P., ed., Black Hills‑Williston Basin, Billings Geological Society, 3rd Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 9‑16. [MBC/QE/133/.B5]



Lockrem, T.M., 1980, Petrographic analysis of an early Cenozoic? breccia from the Tinton area, northern Black Hills, South Dakota, Grand Forks, University of North Dakota Senior Thesis.



Loeblich, A.R., Jr., and Tappan, H.N., 1950, The type Redwater Shale (Oxfordian) of South Dakota, Part 1 of North American Jurassic Foraminifera, Journal of Paleontology, v. 24, p. 39‑60. [Periodicals]



Logan, W.H., 1899, A discussion and correlation of certain subdivisions of the Colorado Formation, Journal of Geology, v. 7, p. 83‑91. [Periodicals]



Logan, W.H., 1900, A North American epicontinental sea of Jurassic age, Journal of Geology, v. 8, p. 241‑273. [Periodicals]



Lombardi, D.J., and Powell, R.D., 1985, Late Cambrian epi‑continental fan‑delta to tidal deposystems, Black Hills, South Dakota [abs.], Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 17, no. 5, p. 299. [Periodicals]



Long, J.S. Jr., 1959, Coal, in Osterwald, F.W., Osterwald, D.B., Long, J.S., Jr., and Wilson, W.H., Mineral resources of Wyoming, Geological Survey of Wyoming Bulletin 50, p. 25‑32. [MBC/QE/181/.A212/no.50]



Long, J.S., Jr., 1966, Coal, in Osterwald, F.W., Osterwald, D.B., Long, J.S., Jr., and Wilson, W.H., Mineral resources of Wyoming, Wyoming Geological Survey Bulletin 50, revised by W.H. Wilson, p. 25‑32.



Loomis, F.B., 1902, On Jurassic stratigraphy on the west side of the Black Hills; Second paper on American Jurassic stratigraphy, American Museum of Natural History Bulletin, v. 16, p. 401‑407. [Periodicals]



Loomis, T.H.W., 1958, Geology of the Bud Mine, Custer County, South Dakota, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Production Evaluation Division, Denver Branch Office, Report DBO‑1‑TM‑8.



Lord, N.W., and others, 1913, Analyses of coals in the United States with descriptions of mine and field samples collected between July 1, 1904 and June 30, 1910, U.S. Bureau of Mines Bulletin 22, part 1, p. 1‑321; part 2, p. 322‑1200. [GD I 28.3:22/pt.1]



Loskot, C.L., 1973, Deposition of cave material in Wind Cave, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology M.S. thesis.



Loughlin, G.F., and others, 1930, Gold reserves of the United States, in Gold resources of the world, International Geological Congress, 15th, Pretoria, 1929, p. 389‑414.



Louthan, H.C., 1905, The Uncle Sam Mine, The Aurum, v. 4. [Periodicals]



Love, J.D., 1950, Petrography as an aid in dating Tertiary volcanic rocks [Wyoming] [abs.], Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 61, p. 1482. [Periodicals]



Love, J.D., 1960, Cenozoic sedimentation and crustal movement in Wyoming, American Journal of Science, Bradley Volume, v. 258‑A, p. 204‑214. [Periodicals]



Love, J.D., and Christiansen, A.C., 1985, Geologic map of Wyoming, U.S. Geological Survey, scale 1:500, 000. [MAPS/G/4261/.C5/1980/L68]



Love, J.D., Christiansen, A.C., and McGrew, L.W., 1978, Preliminary geologic map of the Gillette 1 by 2 quadrangle, northeastern Wyoming and western South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Open‑File Report 78‑343, scale 1:250, 000. [GD I 19.76:78-343]



Love, J.D., Christiansen, A.C., and McGrew, L.W., compilers, 1977, Geologic map of the Newcastle 1o by 2o quadrangle, northeastern Wyoming and western South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF‑883, scale 1:250, 000. [MAPS/G/3701s/.H1/var./.U5/no.883]



Love, J.D., and Hoover, Linn, 1961, A summary of the geology of sedimentary basins of the United States, with reference to the disposal of radioactive wastes, U.S. Geological Survey Open‑File Report 61‑90. [GD I 19.76:61-90]



Love, J.D., and Weitz, J.L., 1951, Geologic map of the Powder River Basin and adjacent areas, Wyoming, U.S. Geological Survey Oil and Gas Investigations Field Studies Map OM‑122, scale 1:316, 800. [MAPS/G/3701s/.H8/var./.U529/no.122]



Lowden, H.B., 1908, Pans for regrinding Homestake tailings, Engineering and Mining Journal, v. 85, p. 1018. [Periodicals]



Lowry, M.E., Head, W.J., Rankl, J.G., and Busby, J.F., 1986, Water resources of Weston County, Wyoming, U.S. Geological Survey Water‑Resources Investigations Report 84‑4079, 33 p. [GD I 19.42/4:84-4079]



Lucas, F.A., 1902, A new dinosaur, Stegosaurus Marshi, from the Lower Cretaceous of South Dakota, U.S. National Museum Proceedings, v. 23, p. 591‑592. [Periodicals]



Lucas, F.A., 1902, Animals before man in North America, their lives and times, New York, 258 p. [MBC/QE/763/.L93]



Luckey, R.R., Gutentag, E.D., and Weeks, J.B., 1981, Water‑level and saturated‑thickness changes, predevelopment to 1980, in the High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming, U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigation Atlas HA‑652, scale 1:250, 000. [MAPS/G/3701s/.C3/var./.U5/no.652]



Ludlow, William, 1875, Report of a reconnaissance of the Black Hills of Dakota made in the summer of 1874, U.S. Report of the Chief of Engineers for 1875, Part 2, House Executive Document No. 1., U.S. 44th Congress, 1st session, part 2, no. 2, serial 1676, p. 1131‑1230. [SD LC COLL/F/657/.B6/L8]



Lugn, A.L., and Brown, B.W., 1952, Occurrence and significance of Tertiary deposits in the Bear Lodge Mountains, Wyoming [abs.], Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 63, no. 12, p. 1384. [Periodicals]



Lull, R.S., 1915, Sauropoda and Stegosauria of the Morrison of North America compared with those of Europe and eastern Africa, Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 26, p. 323‑334. [Periodicals]



Lull, R.S., 1919, The sauropod dinosaur Barosaurus Marsh; redescription of the type specimens in the Peabody Museum, Yale University, Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences Memorial Volume 6, 42 p.



Lum, Daniel, 1960a, Gravity measurements east of the Black Hills and along a line from Rapid City to Sioux Falls, South Dakota, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Rocky Mountain Section, Geological Record 1960, p. 95‑102.



Lum, Daniel, 1960b, Gravity measurements east of the Black Hills and along a line from Rapid City to Sioux Falls, South Dakota [abs.], American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 44, p. 958. [Periodicals]



Lum, Daniel, 1960c, Gravity meters (gravimeters) used in geophysical exploration, South Dakota Academy of Science Proceedings, 1959, v. 38, p. 29‑31. [MBC/Q/11/.S62]



Lum, Daniel, 1961, Gravity measurements east of the Black Hills and along a line from Rapid City to Sioux Falls, South Dakota, South Dakota Geological Survey Report of Investigations 88, 26 p. [SD DOCS/QE/163/.A46/no.88]



Lund, C.N., 1928, Method of treatment of a low grade lead‑zinc‑silver ore from Spokane, South Dakota, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology B.S. thesis.



Lundy, Paul, 1966, Minor structures in the Minnekahta Formation, South Dakota Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 45, p. 260‑263. [MBC/Q/11/.S62]



Lundy, Paul, 1967, Geology of the Canyon Lake area, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology B.S. thesis.



Luttrell, G.W., 1957, Bibliography of iron ore resources of the world (to Jan. 1955), U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1019‑D, p. 187‑371. [GD I 19.3:1019-D]



Luza, K.V., 1969, Bog iron deposits in the Rochford area, Black Hills, South Dakota [abs.], Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, part 5, p. 48. [Periodicals]



Luza, K.V., 1970a, Origin, distribution and development of bog iron in the Rochford district, north‑central Black Hills, South Dakota, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology M.S. thesis, 159 p.



Luza, K.V., 1970b, Origin, distribution, and development of bog iron in the Rochford district, north‑central Black Hills, South Dakota, U.S. Bureau of Mines Preliminary Report 177, 30 p.



Luza, K.V., 1972, A detailed structural analysis of the northwest corner of the Hill City quadrangle, Pennington County, South Dakota, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology Ph.D. dissertation, 159 p.



Lynn, K.D., and Munson, Gerald, 1933, Report of the recovery of gold from the Maitland mill tailings, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology B.S. thesis.