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Page, L.R., 1945, Structural and mineralogical characteristics of South Dakota pegmatites [abs.], Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 56, p. 1188. [Periodicals]



Page, L.R., 1950, Uranium in pegmatites, Economic Geology, v. 45, p. 12‑34. [Periodicals]



Page, L.R., and Hanley, J.B., 1953, Hardesty Homestead Mine (Keystone district), in Page, L.R., Norton, J.J., Stoll, W.C., Hanley, J.B., Adams, J.W., Pray, L.C., Steven, T.A., Erickson, M.P., Joralemon, Peter, Stopper, R.F., and Hall, W.E., Pegmatite investigations 1942‑1945, Black Hills, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 247, p. 125‑128. [GD I 19.16:247]



Page, L.R., and Joralemon, Peter, 1953, Rainbow mica claim (Custer district), in Page, L.R., Norton, J.J., Stoll, W.C., Hanley, J.B., Adams, J.W., Pray, L.C., Steven, T.A., Erickson, M.P., Joralemon, Peter, Stopper, R.F., and Hall, W.E., Pegmatite investigations 1942‑1945, Black Hills, South, Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 247, p. 179‑181. [GD I 19.16:247]



Page, L.R., and Norton, J.J., 1946, Pegmatites of the southern Black Hills, Journal of the Association of American State Geologists, v. 17, no. 4, p. 27‑29. [Periodicals]



Page, L.R., Norton, J.J., and Pray, L.C., 1953, Red Deer Mica Mine (Custer district), in Page, L.R., Norton, J.J., Stoll, W.C., Hanley, J.B., Adams, J.W., Pray, L.C., Steven, T.A., Erickson, M.P., Joralemon, Peter, Stopper, R.F., and Hall, W.E., Pegmatite investigations 1942‑1945, Black Hills, South, Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 247, p. 183‑186. [GD I 19.16:247]



Page, L.R., Norton, J.J., Stoll, W.C., Hanley, J.B., Adams, J.W., Pray, L.C., Steven, T.A., Erickson, M.P., Joralemon, Peter, Stopper, R.F., and Hall, W.E., 1953, Pegmatite investigations, 1942‑1945, Black Hills, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 247, 228 p. [GD I 19.16:247]



Page, L.R., and Pray, L.C., 1953, Terry and Terry No. 1 claims (Custer district), in Page, L.R., Norton, J.J., Stoll, W.C., Hanley, J.B., Adams, J.W., Pray, L.C., Steven, T.A., Erickson, M.P., Joralemon, Peter, Stopper, R.F., and Hall, W.E., Pegmatite investigations 1942‑1945, Black, Hills, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 247, p. 195. [GD I 19.16:247]



Page, L.R., and Redden, J.A., 1952a, The carnotite prospects of the Craven Canyon area, Fall River County, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Trace Elements Memorandum Report 152, 35 p.



Page, L.R., and Redden, J.A., 1952b, The carnotite prospects of the Craven Canyon area, Fall River County, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Circular 175, 18 p. [GD I 19.4/2:175]



Page, L.R., and Staatz, M.H., 1955, Geologic map and sections of the Helen Beryl, Elkhorn, and Tin Mountain Pegmatite Mines, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Open‑File Report 55‑128. [GD I 19.76:55-128]



Page, L.R., and Steven, T.A., 1953, Old Mike Mica Mine (Custer district), in Page, L.R., Norton, J.J., Stoll, W.C., Hanley, J.B., Adams, J.W., Pray, L.C., Steven, T.A., Erickson, M.P., Joralemon, Peter, Stopper, R.F., and Hall, W.E., Pegmatite investigations 1942‑1945, Black Hills, South, Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 247, p. 171‑173. [GD I 19.16:247]



Page, L.R., Stocking, H.E., and Smith, H.B., compilers, 1956, Contributions to the geology of uranium and thorium by the United States Geological Survey and Atomic Energy Commission for the United Nations International Conference on peaceful uses of atomic energy, Geneva, Switzerland, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 300, 739 p. [GD I 19.16:300]



Page, L.R., and Stoll, W.C., 1953a, Crown Mica Mine (Custer district), in Page, L.R., Norton, J.J., Stoll, W.C., Hanley, J.B., Adams, J.W., Pray, L.C., Steven, T.A., Erickson, M.P., Joralemon, Peter, Stopper, R.F., and Hall, W.E., Pegmatite investigations 1942‑1945, Black Hills, South, Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 247, p. 92‑96. [GD I 19.16:247]



Page, L.R., and Stoll, W.C., 1953b, Highland Lode (John Ross Mine (Custer district), in Page, L.R., Norton, J.J., Stoll, W.C., Hanley, J.B., Adams, J.W., Pray, L.C., Steven, T.A., Erickson, M.P., Joralemon, Peter, Stopper, R.F., and Hall, W.E., Pegmatite investigations 1942‑1945, Black, Hills, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 247, p. 131‑133. [GD I 19.16:247]



Paige, Sidney, 1913a, Pre‑Cambrian structure of the northern Black Hills, South Dakota, and its bearing on the origin of the Homestake ore body [abs.], Washington, D.C., Academy of Sciences Journal, v. 3, p. 173. [Periodicals]



Paige, Sidney, 1913b, Pre‑Cambrian structure of the northern Black Hills, South Dakota, and its bearing on the origin of the Homestake ore body, Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 24, p. 293‑300. [Periodicals]



Paige, Sidney, 1914, The mechanics of granite intrusion in the Black Hills, South Dakota [abs.], Washington Academy of Science Journal, v. 4, p. 173. [Periodicals]



Paige, Sidney, 1915, A model illustrating character of faulting at the Homestake ore body, Washington Academy of Science Journal, v. 5, p. 487‑488. [Periodicals]



Paige, Sidney, 1916a, Mechanics of intrusion of the Black Hills Pre‑Cambrian granite [abs.], Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 27, p. 104. [Periodicals]



Paige, Sidney, 1916b, Pre‑Cambrian structures of the Black Hills, South Dakota [abs.], Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 27, p. 106. [Periodicals]



Paige, Sidney, 1923, The geology of the Homestake Mine, Economic Geology, v. 18, p. 204‑237. [Periodicals]



Paige, Sidney, 1924, Geology of the region around Lead, South Dakota, and its bearing on the Homestake ore body, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 765, 58 p. [GD I 19.3:765]



Paige, Sidney, 1925, Pre‑Cambrian rocks, in Darton, N.H., and Paige, Sidney, Central Black Hills, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Atlas of the United States, Folio 219, p. 3‑5. [MAPS/Folio Drawers, Copy on Reserve at Circulation Desk, Copy in Archives]



Pakkong, M., 1979, Ground water of the Boulder Park area, Lawrence County, South Dakota, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology M.S. thesis, 91 p. [THESIS/GB/1197.6/.P1522/1979]



Palache, Charles, 1932, The largest crystal, American Mineralogist, v. 17, no. 7, p. 362‑363. [Periodicals]



Palache, Charles, Berman, H., and Frondel, Clifford, 1944, Dana's system of mineralogy, 7th ed., v. 1, New York, John Wiley and Sons, 834 p. [SD LC COLL/QE/372/.D23/1944]



Palache, Charles, Berman, H., and Frondel, Clifford, 1951, Dana's system of mineralogy, 7th ed., v. 2, New York, John Wiley and Sons, 1124 p. [SD LC COLL/QE/372/.D23/1944]



Palmer, A.N., 1981, The geology of Wind Cave, Hot Springs, S. Dak., Wind Cave Natural History Association, 44 p. [CAVING/QE/164/.W55/P173/1981]



Palmer, A.N., 1984, Jewel Cave‑‑A gift from the past, Hot Springs, S. Dak., Wind Cave/Jewel Cave Natural History Association, 41 p. [CAVING/QE/164/.J48/P173/1984]



Palmer, A.N., and Palmer, M.V., 1984, Geology of caves in the Black Hills, South Dakota, in Rea, G.T., ed., Proceedings of the National Speleological Society annual meeting, The National Speleological Society Bulletin, v. 46, no. 1, p. ___‑___. [Periodicals]



Palmer, S.D., 1977, Linear analysis of the west‑central Black Hills, South Dakota, Iowa City, University of Iowa M.S. thesis.



Pan, K.L., 1978, Regional geologic analysis of the Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming from remote sensing data, Iowa City, University of Iowa Ph.D. dissertation.



Pan, K.L., Taranik, J.V., and Hoppin, R.A., 1978, Geomorphic and structural analysis of the Black Hills using Landsat imagery [abs.], Geological Society of America Abstract Programs, v. 10, no. 7, p. 467. [Periodicals]



Papcke, D.E., 1958, Strawberry Hill iron deposits in Lawrence County, South Dakota, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, B.S. thesis, 31 p.



Papcke, D.E., 1960, Chromium muscovite in the Black Hills [abs.], South Dakota Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 38, p. 57. [MBC/Q/11/.S62]



Papike, J.J., Jensen, Martin, Shearer, C.K., Simon, S.B., Jolliff, B.L., Walker, R.J., and Laul, J.C., 1984, Apatite as a recorder of pegmatite petrogenesis [abs.], Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 16, p. 617. [Periodicals]



Papike, J.J., Shearer, C.K., Jolliff, B.L., Duke, E.F., Redden, J.A., Walker, R.J., and Laul, J.C., 1986, Proterozoic granite/pegmatite systems of the Black Hills, S.D. [abs.], International Mineralogical Association, 14th General Meeting, p. 195.



Papike, J.J., Shearer, C.K., Settle, A.L., and Laul, J.C., 1984, Feldspar as a recorder of pegmatite evolution; Black Hills, South Dakota [abs.], EOS, American Geophysical Union Transactions, v. 65, p. 297. [Periodicals]



Papike, J.J., Shearer, C.K., Simon, S.B., and Laul, J.C., 1983a, Fluid flow through crystalline rocks; sheet silicates as trace element traps [abs.], Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 15, no. 6, p. 658. [Periodicals]



Papike, J.J., Shearer, C.K., Simon, S.B., and Laul, J.C., 1983b, Pegmatite/wallrock interactions; the Etta Pegmatite, Black Hills, South Dakota [abs.], Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 15, no. 5, p. 436. [Periodicals]



Papike, J.J., Shearer, C.K., Simon, S.B., Laul, J.C., and Walker, R.J., 1983, Pegmatite/wallrock interactions, Black Hills, South Dakota; natural analogs for radionuclide migration, EOS, American Geophysical Union Transactions, v. 64, no. 18, p. 351. [Periodicals]



Papike, J.J., and Stinnett, Landy, 1959, Chromium muscovite in the Black Hills, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology B.S. thesis.



Pariseau, W.G., Duan, F., and Schmuck, C.H., 1984, Numerical assessment of the influence of anisotropy on steeply dipping VCR stopes, in Pariseau, W.G., ed., Geomechanics applications in underground hardrock mining, American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, p. 39‑63.



Park, C.F. Jr., and MacDiarmid, R.A., 1970, Ore Deposits, 2nd edition, San Francisco, W.H. Freeman and Company, 522 p.



Parker, E.W., 1895, Gypsum, U.S. Geological Survey, Sixteenth Annual Report, part 4, Mineral Resources, p. 662‑666. [GD I 19.1:16th/pt.4]



Parker, E.W., 1896, Coal, U.S. Geological Survey, Seventeenth Annual Report, part 3, Mineral Resources, p. 285‑542. [GD I 19.1:17th/pt.3]



Parker, E.W., 1899, Gypsum, U.S. Geological Survey, Twentieth Annual Report, v. 6, continued, Mineral Resources, p. 657‑666. [GD I 19.1:20th/v.6]



Parker, E.W., 1913, Mineral products of the United States, U.S. Geological Survey, Mineral Resources of the United States, 1912, part 1, p. 91.



Parker, E.W., Holmes, J.A., and Campbell, M.R., 1905, Preliminary report on the operations of the coal‑testing plant of the United States Geological Survey at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 261, 172 p. [GD I 19.3:261]



Parker, E.W., Holmes, J.A., and Campbell, M.R., 1906, Report on the operations of the coal testing plant of the United States Geological Survey at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 48, parts. 1, 2, and 3, 1492 p. [GD I 19.16:48/pts. 1-3]



Parker, Watson, 1965, The Black Hills gold rush, 1874‑1879, Norman, University of Oklahoma Ph.D. dissertation, 333 p. [SD LC COLL/F/657/.B6/P3]



Parker, Watson, 1966, Gold in the Black Hills, Norman, Okla., University of Oklahoma Press, 25 p. [SD LC COLL/F/657/.B6/P32]



Parker, Watson, 1981, Deadwood, the golden years, Lincoln, Neb., University of Nebraska Press, 73 p. [SD LC COLL/F/659/.D2/P37]



Parker, Watson, and Lambert, H.K., 1974, Black Hills ghost towns, Chicago, Ill., Sage Books, The Swallow Press, Inc., 215 p. [SD LC COLL/F/657/.B6/P22]



Parkhill, T.A., 1976, Geology of the Tertiary igneous rocks in the Richmond Hill intrusive complex, northern Black Hills, South Dakota, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology M.S. thesis, 45 p.



Parsons, C.L., 1913, Fullers earth, U.S. Bureau of Mines Bulletin 71, 38 p. [GD I 28.3:71]



Parsons, F.W., 1907, The coal mining situation in northern Wyoming, Engineering Mining Journal, v. 84, p. 930‑935. [Periodicals]



Parsons, J.A., and Wilder, J.W., 1944, The commercial design of a calcination plant for Black Hills dolomite, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology B.S. thesis.



Patel, A.B., 1971, An investigation of rapid decomposition of the pollucite peculiar to the Black Hills, South Dakota, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology M.S. thesis.



Paterson, C.J., 1982, Oxygen Isotopic Eveidence for the Origin and Evolution of a Scheelite Ore-Forming fluid, Glenorchy, New Zealand, Economic Geology, Vol. 77, pp. 1672-1687 [Reprint in SD Vert. File, courtesy of C.J. Paterson]



Paterson, C.J., 1986, Controls on gold and Tungsten Mineralization in Metamorphic-Hydrothermal Systems, Otago, New Zealand, in Kuncan, K.J., Boyle, R.W. and Haynes, S.J., eds., Turbidite-hosted gold deposits, Geological Association of Canada Special Paper 32, pp. 25-39 [Reprint in SD Vert. File, courtesy of C.J. Paterson]



Paterson, C.J., 1990, Ore Deposits of Gold and Silver, Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, Vol, 6, pp. 43-66 [Reprint in SD Vert. File, courtesy of C.J. Paterson]



Paterson, C.J., Lisenbee, A.L., and Redden, J.A., 1988, Gold deposits in the Black Hills, South Dakota, in Diedrich, R.P., Dyka, M.A., and Miller, W.R., eds., Eastern Powder River Basin‑‑Black Hills, Wyoming Geological Association, 39th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 295‑304. [Reprint in SD Vert. File, courtesy of C.J. Paterson]



Paterson, C.J., and Norby, J.W., 1986, A gold deposit associated with amphibolite and graphitic metasediments, Tinton, Black Hills, Comparison with Owl Creek and Hoyle Pond deposits, Ontario [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 18, no. 6, p. 715. [Periodicals]



Paterson, C.J., Uzunlar, N., Groff, J., and Longstaffe, F.J., 1988, A 4‑km vertical profile through epithermal Au‑Ag deposits in the Black Hills, South Dakota; the roots of an epithermal system [abs.], Geological Society of New Zealand Programme and Abstracts, Miscellaneous Publication 41a, p. 117.



Paterson, C.J., Uzunlar, N., and Longstaffe, F.J., 1987, Epithermal Au‑Ag deposits in the northern Black Hills; a variety of ore‑forming fluids, in Haan, K., and Kliche, Charles, eds., 3rd Western Regional Conference on Precious Metals, Coal, and Environment, American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers Proceedings, p. 83‑89.



Paterson, C.J., Uzunlar, N., and Longstaffe, F.J., 1988, A view through an epithermal‑mesothermal precious metal system in the northern Black Hills, South Dakota, U.S.A.; a magmatic origin for the ore‑forming fluids, in Bicentennial Gold '88, Geological Society of Australia Extended Abstracts Poster Programme No. 23, v. 1, p. 383‑385.



Paterson, C.J., Uzunlar, N., Groff, J., and Longstaffe, F.J., 1989, A view through an epitherman-mesothermal precious metal system in the northern Black Hills, South Dakota: A magmatic origin for the ore-forming fluids, in Keays, R.R., Ramsay, W.R.H., and Groves, D.I., eds., The geology of gold deposits: The perspective in 1988, Economic Geology Monograph 6, pp. 564-570  [Reprint in SD Vert. File, courtesy of C.J. Paterson]



Patraw, J.M., 1963, A study of the distribution of selenium in the Niobrara Formation of western South Dakota, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology M.S. thesis, 65 p.



Patsche, W.W., 1906, The Belle Fourche irrigation works, South Dakota, Engineering News, v. 55, p. 210‑212. [Periodicals]



Patterson, J.R., 1961, Ordovician stratigraphy and correlations in North America, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 45, no. 6, p. 1363‑1377. [Periodicals]



Patterson, S.H., 1955, Geology of the northern Black Hills bentonite mining district (South Dakota), University of Illinois Ph.D. thesis.



Patterson, S.H., 1971, Bentonite of the northern Black Hills district, Wyoming, Montana, and South Dakota, in Bradley, W.F., ed., The habitat of the Wyoming‑type bentonites and the itinerary for the 20th clay minerals conference bentonite excursion, Rapid City, S. Dak., 20th Clay Mineral Conference, p. 7‑12. [SD LC COLL/TN/948/.B4/H27]



Patterson, S.H., 1971, The habitat of the Wyoming‑type bentonites and the itinerary for the 20th Clay Minerals Conference Bentonite Excursion, Rapid City, S. Dak., South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. [SD LC COLL/TN/948/.B4/H27]



Patterson, S.H., and Cox, E.J., 1964, Nonmetallic and industrial mineral resources‑‑Clays, bentonite, and lightweight aggregate, in Mineral and water resources of South Dakota, U.S. 88th Congress, 2nd session, Committee Print, p. 105‑112. [SD DOCS/TN/24/.S8/U5/1964 ??? ALSO GOV DOCS ???]



Patterson, S.H., and Harksen, J.C., 1975, Clays, bentonite, and lightweight aggregate, in Mineral and water resources of South Dakota, U.S. 94th Congress, 1st session, Committee Print, p. 125‑132. [SD DOCS/TN/24/.S8/U5/1975 ??? ALSO GOV DOCS ???]



Payne, C.M., 1979, Geology of a part of the Nemo District in the Black Hills of South Dakota, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology M.S. thesis, 118 p. [THESIS/QE/653/.P346/1979]



Peacor, D.R., 1969, Triphylite‑sarcopside‑graftonite intergrowths from Custer, South Dakota, American Mineralogist, v. 54, p. 969‑972. [Periodicals]



Peacor, D.R., Dunn, P.J., Ramik, R.A., Campbell, T.J., and Roberts, W.L., 1985, A wicksite‑like mineral from the Bull Moose Mine, South Dakota, The Canadian Mineralogist, v. 23, part 2, p. 247‑249. [Periodicals]



Peacor, D.R., Dunn, P.J., Ramik, R.A., Campbell, T.J., and Roberts, W.L., 1985, A wicksite‑like mineral from the Bull Moose Mine, South Dakota, Canadian Mineralogist, v. 23, p. 247‑249. [Periodicals]



Peacor, D.R., Dunn, P.J., Roberts, W.L., Campbell, T.J., and Newbury, Dale, 1983, Fransoletite, a new calcium beryllium phosphate from the Tip Top Pegmatite, Custer, South Dakota, Bulletin de Mineralogie, v. 106, p. 499‑503. [Periodicals]



Peacor, D.R., Dunn, P.J., Roberts, W.L., Campbell, T.J., and Simmons, W.B., 1984, Sinkankasite, a new phosphate from the Barker Pegmatite, South Dakota, American Mineralogist, v. 69, p. 380‑382. [Periodicals]



Peacor, D.R., and Simmons, W.B., 1972, New data on griphite, American Mineralogist, v. 57, p. 269‑272. [Periodicals]



Peale, A.C., 1894, The natural mineral waters of the United States, U.S. Geological Survey, Fourteenth Annual Report, p. 53‑88. [GD I 19.1:14th]



Pearce, Richard, 1895, Occurrence of tellurium in oxidized form associated with gold, Colorado Scientific Society Proceedings, v. 5, p. 144‑147.



Pearl, R.M., 1948, Gems from South Dakota, in Popular Gemology, Denver, Colo., Sage Books, p. 120, 211, 219, and 223. [MBC/QE/392/.P36]



Pearson, D.V., 1966, Study of a slide, south of Rapid City, South Dakota [abs.], South Dakota Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 45, p. 287. [MBC/Q/11/.S62]



Pearson, D.V., 1967, A geological engineering report of a gravity slide in the Fall River Formation (Lower Cretaceous), south of Rapid City, South Dakota, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology M.S. thesis, 45 p.



Pearson, R.C., 1978, Map of Wyoming RARE II mineral resource potential‑‑ Appraisal of mineral resource potential of proposed roadless areas in National forests, Wyoming, U.S. Geological Survey Open‑File Report 78‑930, scale 1:500, 000. [GD I 19.76:78-930]



Peattie, R., 1952, In the Black Hills, New York, Vanguard Press, 320 p. [SD LC COLL/F/657/.B6/P4 check carefully--title varies slightly on PALS]



Peck, F.S., 1900, A general map of Bear Butte, Ida Gray, Carbonate and Whitewood mining districts, Lawrence County, South Dakota, Deadwood, S. Dak., single large sheet.



Peck, R.E., 1941, Lower Cretaceous Rocky Mountain non‑marine microfossils, Journal of Paleontology, v. 15, p. 285‑304. [Periodicals]



Peck, R.E., and Craig, W.W., 1962, Lower Cretaceous nonmarine ostracods and charophytes of Wyoming and adjacent areas, in Enyert, R.L., and Curry, W.H., III., eds., Early Cretaceous rocks of Wyoming and adjacent areas, Wyoming Geological Association, 17th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 33‑43. [MBC/QE/181/.S9/1962]



Pecora, W.T., and Fahey, J.J., 1949, Scorzalite from South Dakota; a new occurrence, American Mineralogist, v. 34, p. 685‑687. [Periodicals]



Pecora, W.T., and Fahey, J.J., 1950, The lazulite‑scorzalite isomorphous series, American Mineralogist, v. 35, p. 1‑18. [Periodicals]



Pence, M.L., and Homsher, L.M., 1956, Ghost towns of Wyoming, New York, Hastings House, 242 p.



Perisho, E.C., 1914, Biennial report of the State Geologist 1913‑1914, South Dakota Geological Survey Biennial Report, 11 p. [SD DOCS/QE/163/.A45]



Perkins, J.W., 1984, Colorado and Wyoming, with adjacent parts of Nebraska, South Dakota, and Idaho; a geological field guidebook, University of Cardiff, Department of Extra‑Mural Studies, United Kingdom, 138 p.



Persse, F.H., and Henkes, W.C., 1968, Mineral industry of South Dakota in 1960, South Dakota Geological Survey Mineral Economic Report 14, 12 p. [SD DOCS/HD/9506/.U63/S57a]



Persse, F.H., and Henkes, W.C., 1969, Mineral industry of South Dakota in 1967, South Dakota Geological Survey Mineral Economic Report 15, 12 p. [SD DOCS/HD/9506/.U63/S57a]



Petar, A.V., 1929, Beryllium and beryl, U.S. Bureau of Mines Information Circular 6190, 20 p. [GD I 28.27:6190]



Petar, A.V., 1930, Sillimanite, kyanite, andalusite, and dumortierite, U.S Bureau of Mines Information Circular 6255, 19 p. [GD I 28.23:6255]



Peter, K.D., Kyllonen, D.P., Mills, K.R., 1985, Geologic structure and altitude of the top of the Minnelusa Formation, northeastern Black Hills, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations 85-4233. [GD I 19.42/4:85-4233]



Peter, K.D., Kyllonen, D.P., Mills, K.R., 1985, Geologic structure and altitude of the top of the Minnelusa Formation, northern Black Hills, South Dakota and Wyoming, and Bear Lodge Mountains, Wyoming, U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations 85-4053. [GD I 19.42/4:85-4053]



Peterman, Z.E., and Futa, Kiyoto, 1988, Contrasts in Nd crustal residence ages between the Superior and Wyoming cratons [abs.], Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 20, p. A137. [Periodicals]



Peterman, Z.E., and Zartman, R.E., 1985, The Early Proterozoic Trans‑Hudson orogen in the northern Great Plains of the United States [abs.], Sixth International Conference on Basement Tectonics, Abstracts and Programs, v. 6, p. 30.



Peterman, Z.E., and Zartman, R.E., 1986, The Early Proterozoic Trans‑Hudson orogen in the Northern Great Plains of the United States, in Aldrich, M.J., Jr., and Laughlin, A.W., eds., Proceedings of the Sixth international conference on basement tectonics, International Basement Tectonics Association, v. 6, p. 202‑203.



Peterson, D.L., and Hassemer, J.H., 1978, Principal facts and profiles of gravity data from parts of Meade, Pennington, Haakon, and Jackson Counties, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Open‑File Report 78‑198, 14 p. [GD I 19.76:78-198]



Peters, V.V., 1932, Beryllium in South Dakota, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology B.S. thesis.



Peterson, E.F., 1904, Historical atlas of South Dakota, Vermillion, S. Dak., 215 p. [SD LC COLL/G/1446/.S1/1904/P4]



Peterson, H.C., 1950, Possible methods of geophysical prospecting for metalliferous deposits in the Black Hills of South Dakota, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology B.S. thesis.



Peterson, J.A., 1954a, Marine upper Jurassic, eastern Wyoming, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 38, p. 463‑507. [Periodicals]



Peterson, J.A., 1954, Jurassic Ostracoda from the lower Sundance and Rierdon Formations, western interior, United States, Journal of Paleontology, v. 28, p. 153‑176. [Periodicals]



Peterson, J.A., 1957, Marine Jurassic of the northern Rocky Mountains and Williston Basin, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 41, no. 3, p. 339‑440. [Periodicals]



Peterson, J.A., 1958, Paleotectonic control of marine Jurassic sedimentation in the Powder River Basin, in Strickland, John, ed., Powder River Basin, Wyoming Geological Association, 13th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 56‑63. [MBC/QE/181/.W9/1958]



Peterson, J.A., 1972, Jurassic System, in Mallory, W.W., ed., Geologic atlas of the Rocky Mountain region, Denver, Colo., Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists, p. 177‑189. [ATLAS CASE #2 G/1466/.C5/R6/1972]



Peterson, J.A., 1981, Stratigraphy and sedimentary facies of the Madison Limestone and associated rocks in parts of Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, and Nebraska, U.S. Geological Survey Open‑File Report 81‑642, 92 p. [GD I 19.76:81-642]



Peterson, J.A., 1984, Permian stratigraphy, sedimentary facies, and petroleum geology, Wyoming and adjacent area, in Goolsby, Jim, and Morton, Doug, eds., The Permian and Pennsylvanian geology of Wyoming, Wyoming Geological Association, 35th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 25‑64.



Peterson, J.A., ed., 1986, Paleotectonics and sedimentation in the Rocky Mountain region, United States, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir 41, 693 p. [MBC/TN/860/.A32/no.41]



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