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Rabke, H., 1954, Geology of a limestone cavern on Alkali Creek south of Sturgis, South Dakota, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology B.S. thesis.



Rackley, R.I., Shockey, P.N., and Dahill, M.P., 1968, Concepts and methods of uranium exploration, in Wulf, G.R., ed., Black Hills area, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Wyoming Geological Association, 20th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 115‑124. [MBC/QE/181/.W9/1968]



Rahn, P.H., 1970, Field trip no. 5., road log for the engineering geology field trip, in Guidebook and road logs for 23rd annual meeting, Rocky Mountain Section, the Geological Society of America, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, p. 27‑36. [SD LC COLL/QE/164/.B55/G75/1970]



Rahn, P.H., 1971, The hydrologic significance of the November 1968 dye test on Box Elder Creek, Black Hills, South Dakota, South Dakota Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 50, p. 52‑56. [MBC/Q/11/.S62]



Rahn, P.H., 1973, Effect of the June 9, 1972 floods on dams in the Black Hills, South Dakota [abs.], Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 5, no. 6, p. 504‑505. [Periodicals]



Rahn, P.H., 1975a, Environmental effects of mineral and water development in South Dakota, in Mineral and water resources of South Dakota, U.S. 94th Congress, 1st session, Committee Print, p. 71‑76. [SD DOCS/TN/24/.S8/U5/1975 ??? ALSO GOV DOCS ???]



Rahn, P.H., 1975b, Lessons learned from the June 9, 1972 flood in Rapid City, South Dakota, Association of Engineering Geologists, v. 12, p. 83‑97.



Rahn, P.H., 1979a, Effect of the proposed ETSI coal slurry pipeline on water resources in Wyoming, South Dakota, and Nebraska, South Dakota Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 58, p. 100‑113. [MBC/Q/11/.S62]



Rahn, P.H., 1979b, Ground water resources of western South Dakota, Report to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, August 23, 1979.



Rahn, P.H., 1981, Ground water stored in the rocks of western South Dakota, in Rich, F.J., ed., Geology of the Black Hills, South Dakota and Wyoming, Geological Society of America, Field Trip Guidebook, American Geological Institute, p. 154‑173. [MBC/QE/164/.B55/G46 also in SD LC COLL]



Rahn, P.H., 1983, Base flow of Slate Creek, central Black Hills, South Dakota Academy of Sciences Proceedings, v. 62, p. 80‑88. [MBC/Q/11/.S62]



Rahn, P.H., 1984, Flood plain management program in Rapid City, South Dakota, Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 95, p. 838‑843. [Periodicals]



Rahn, P.H., 1985, Landsat view of the Black Hills, in Rich, F.J., ed., Geology of the Black Hills, South Dakota and Wyoming, 2nd edition, Geological Society of America, Field Trip Guidebook, American Geological Institute, p. 222‑224. [MBC/QE/164/.B55/G46 also in SD LC COLL]



Rahn, P.H., 1986, Engineering geology, an environmental approach, New York, Elsevier Science Publishing Company, 608 p. [MBC/TA/705/.R28/1986]



Rahn, P.H., 1987, Geologic map and measured stratigraphic section for the Rockerville quadrangle, Pennington County, South Dakota, Geological Society of America Map and Chart Series MCH062, 16 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:24, 000. [MAPS/QE/1/.G32/MC-62]



Rahn, P.H., 1988, Recharge to the Pahasapa Limestone, South Dakota Academy of Sciences Proceedings, v. 67, p. ___. [MBC/Q/11/.S62]



Rahn, P.H., Back, W., Hanshaw, B.B., and Rightmire, C.T., 1976, Flow pattern and chemical character of water in the Pahasapa aquifer near the Black Hills, South Dakota and Wyoming [abs.], Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 8, no. 6, p. 1056‑1057. [Periodicals]



Rahn, P.H., Bump, V.L., and Steece, F.V., 1981, Field Trip #3a; Engineering geology of the central Black Hills, South Dakota, in Rich, F.J., ed., Geology of the Black Hills, South Dakota and Wyoming, Geological Society of America, Field Trip Guidebook, American Geological Institute, p. 135‑153. [MBC/QE/164/.B55/G46 also in SD LC COLL]



Rahn, P.H., and Davis, A.D., 1988, Hydrologic budget for Black Hills watersheds [abs.], Rocky Mountain Ground Water Association, 17th Annual Conference, p. ___.



Rahn, P.H., and Gries, J.P., 1971, Estimating recharge to limestone aquifers based on spring discharge [abs.], Geological Society of America Abstracts, v. 3, no. 7, p. 677. [Periodicals]



Rahn, P.H., and Gries, J.P., 1973, Large springs in the Black Hills, South Dakota and Wyoming, South Dakota Geological Survey Report of Investigations 107, 46 p. [SD DOCS/QE/163/.A46/no.107]



Rahn, P.H., and Hall, R.L., 1982, A reconnaissance inventory of environmental impacts of uranium mining in the Edgemont mining district, Fall River County, South Dakota, Prepared for U.S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experimental Station, Rapid City, S. Dak., South Dakota School of Mines and Technology.



Rahn, P.H., and others, 1977, Road log; engineering geology of central and northern Black Hills, South Dakota, Trip A, central Black Hills (morning); Trip B, northern Black Hills (afternoon), 28th Annual Highway Geology Symposium, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. [SD LC COLL/H/500/E5.7]



Raines, G.L., 1979, Maps of linear features and a preliminary lineament interpretation of western South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Open‑File Report 79‑595, 19 p. [GD I 19.76:79-595]



Raines, G.L., Bretz, R.F., and Shurr, G.W., 1979, Evaluation of a color‑coded Landsat 5/6 ratio image for mapping lithologic differences in western South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Open‑File Report 79‑596, 22 p. [GD I 19.76:79-596]



Rajender, G.R., 1966, Wyoming's mineral resources, Wyoming Trade Winds, no. 41, p. 37. [Periodicals]



Randall, A.G., 1958, Catalog of formation names for Powder River Basin, Wyoming, in Strickland, John, ed., Powder River Basin, Wyoming Geological Association, 13th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 280‑287. [MBC/QE/181/.W9/1958]



Randall, A.G., 1961, Catalog of formation names for post‑Niobrara, pre‑Eocene rocks of Wyoming and adjacent areas, in Wiloth, G.J., ed., Symposium on Late Cretaceous Rocks, Wyoming and adjacent areas, Wyoming Geological Association, 16th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 9‑15. [MBC/QE/181/.W9/1961]



Randall, A.G., 1962, Catalog of formation names for Early Cretaceous rocks of Wyoming, in Enyert, R.L., and Curry, W.H., III., eds., Early Cretaceous rocks of Wyoming and adjacent areas, Wyoming Geological Association, 17th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 9‑14. [MBC/QE/181/.W9/1962]



Randall, A.G., 1963, Catalog of formation names for northern Powder River Basin, Wyoming and Montana, in Cooper, G.G., Cardinal, D.F., Lorenz, H.W., and Lynn, J.R., eds., Northern Powder River Basin, Wyoming and Montana, Wyoming Geological Association and Billings Geological Society, 1st Joint Field Conference Guidebook, p. 169‑179. [MBC/QE/181/.W9/1963]



Randall, A.G., 1988, Early exploration of the Black Hills area, Wyoming‑‑South Dakota, in Diedrich, R.P., Dyka, M.A., and Miller, W.R., eds., Eastern Powder River Basin‑‑Black Hills, Wyoming Geological Association, 39th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 17‑20.



Randall, John, 1904, Cyanide practice in the Black Hills, Black Hills Mining Men's Booklet, p. 79‑103.



Rankin, D., and Reddy, I.K., 1973, Crustal conductivity anomaly under the Black Hills, a magnetotelluric study, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 20, p. 275‑279. [Periodicals]



Rantala, R.H., 1947, A study of the insoluble residues of the (upper Ordovician) Whitewood Limestone, central Black Hills of South Dakota, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota M.S. thesis.



Rapp, George, Jr., 1962, Microlite from the Tin Mountain Pegmatite, South Dakota, South Dakota Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 41, p. 44‑45. [MBC/Q/11/.S62]



Rapp, George, Jr., 1969, Studies on the pegmatite minerals of the Black Hills, South Dakota, in National Geographic Society Research Reports 1964, Washington, D.C., National Geographic Society, p. 181‑182. [MBC/Q/181/.A1/N254]



Rapp, George, Jr., and Martin, Harold, 1962, Sand‑barite, an analog of sand‑calcite, Black Hills, South Dakota, American Mineralogist, v. 47, p. 1189‑1191. [Periodicals]



Rapp, George, Jr., and Patraw, James, 1966, Distribution of selenium in the Niobrara Formation of the Black Hills region, South Dakota [abs.], Geological Society of America Special Paper 87, p. 300. [MBC/QE/1/.G299]



Rapp, George, Jr., and Weyand, John, 1961, An interesting one‑layer lepidolite from the Hugo Pegmatite, South Dakota Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 40, p. 149‑153. [MBC/Q/11/.S62]



Rapp, J.S., 1969, A preliminary hydrologic study of Rapid Creek at Rapid City, South Dakota, South Dakota Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 48, p. 104‑109. [MBC/Q/11/.S62]



Rapp, J.S., 1970, The geology and mineralization of the Iron Creek area, Custer County, South Dakota, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology M.S. thesis, 51 p.



Rascoe, B., Jr., and Baars, D.L., 1972, Permian system, in Mallory, W.W., ed., Geologic atlas of the Rocky Mountains, Denver, Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists, p. 143‑162. [ATLAS CASE #2 G/1466/.C5/R6/1972]



Rath, D.L., 1983, Origin and characteristics of Wyoming bentonite deposits, in Hausel, W.D., and Harris, R.E., ed., Genesis and exploration of metallic and nonmetallic mineral and ore deposits of Wyoming and adjacent areas, Joint conference of the Geological Survey of Wyoming, Wyoming Geological Association, and the University of Wyoming, Annual Spring Conference, Laramie, Wyo.



Ratte', J.C., 1964, Tin, in Mineral and water resources of South Dakota, U.S. 88th Congress, 2nd session, Committee Print, p. 68‑71. [SD DOCS/TN/24/.S8/U5/1964 ??? ALSO GOV DOCS ???]



Ratte', J.C., 1975, Tin, in Mineral and water resources of South Dakota, U.S. 94th Congress, 1st session, Committee Print, p. 103‑104. [SD DOCS/TN/24/.S8/U5/1975 ??? ALSO GOV DOCS ???]



Ratte', J.C., 1980, Geologic map of the Medicine Mountain quadrangle, Pennington County, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Open‑File Report 80‑1083, scale 1:24, 000. [GD I 19.76:80-1083]



Ratte', J.C., 1986, Geologic map of the Medicine Mountain Quadrangle, Pennington County, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I‑1654, scale 1:24, 000. [MAPS/G/3701s/.C5/var./.U55/no.1654]



Ratte', J.C., and Norton, J.J., 1964, Metallic mineral resources‑‑Tin, in Mineral and water resources of South Dakota, U.S. 88th Congress, 2nd session, Committee Print, p. 68‑71 [SD DOCS/TN/24/.S8/U5/1964 ??? ALSO GOV DOCS ???]



Ratte', J.C., and Wayland, R.G., 1969, Geology of the Hill City quadrangle, Pennington County, South Dakota‑‑A preliminary report, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1271‑B, 14 p. [GD I 19.3:1271-B]



Ratte', J.C., and Zartman, R.E., 1970, Bear Mountain gneiss dome, Black Hills, South Dakota‑‑age and structure [abs.], Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 2, no. 5, p. 345. [Periodicals]



Rautman, C.A., 1975, Sedimentology of the lower Sundance Formation (Upper Jurassic), Wyoming region, Earth Science Bulletin, v. 8, no. 4, p. 1‑16. [Periodicals]



Rautman, C.A., 1976, Late Jurassic barrier island complex in lower Sundance Formation of Black Hills region [abs.], American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 60, p. 711‑712. [Periodicals]



Rautman, C.A., 1978, Sedimentology of late Jurassic barrier island complex; lower Sundance Formation of Black Hills, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 62, p. 2275‑2289. [Periodicals]



Rautman, C.A., and Dott, R.H., Jr., 1977, Dish structures formed by fluid escape in Jurassic shallow marine sandstones, Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 47, p. 101‑106. [Periodicals]



Rawlins, David, 1978, Geology of the Buffalo Gap area, Custer and Fall River Counties, South Dakota, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology M.S. thesis, 123 p. [THESIS/QE/606/.R259/1978]



Rawlins, David, 1981, Development of color banding in the Unkpapa Sandstone, Buffalo Gap area, South Dakota [abs.], Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 13, no. 4, p. 223. [Periodicals]



Rawlins, J.H., Neel, R.S., Crowson, C.W., and Lawson, D.E., 1963, Third day's trip, part II, in Cooper, G.G., Cardinal, D.F., Lorenz, H.W., and Lynn, J.R., eds., Northern Powder River Basin, Wyoming and Montana, Wyoming Geological Association and Billings Geological Society, 1st Joint Field Conference Guidebook, p. 199‑202. [MBC/QE/181/.W9/1963]



Raychaudhuri, Bimalendu, 1960, Studies of amphibolites and constituent hornblendes from an area of progressive metamorphism near Lead, South Dakota, Pasadena, California Institute of Technology Ph.D. dissertation.



Raychaudhuri, Bimalendu, 1964, Relation of atomic constitution to lattice parameters in some hornblendes from the Black Hills, South Dakota, American Mineralogist, v. 49, p. 198‑206. [Periodicals]



Ray, C.W., and Schmidt, C.E., 1932, Selective flotation of a complex copper, gold, silver, and iron sulphide ore from the Anchor Mountain Mine, Deadwood, South Dakota, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology B.S. thesis.



Ray, J.T., 1979, Petrology of the Cenozoic igneous rocks of the Tinton district, Black Hills, South Dakota‑Wyoming (Lawrence County), Grand Forks, University of North Dakota M.S. thesis, 115 p.



Raymond, R.W., 1901, Discussion of paper by Irving on wolframite in Black Hills of South Dakota, American Institute of Mining Engineers Transactions, v. 31, p. 1025‑1026. [Periodicals]



Raymond, W.H., 1976, Geochemical anomalies in Pre‑cambrian meta‑iron‑formation, Keystone district, southern Black Hills, South Dakota [abs.], Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 8, no. 5, p. 620‑621. [Periodicals]



Raymond, W.H., 1981, Geochemical data from Precambrian meta‑iron‑formation and related rocks of the Keystone area, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Open‑File Report 81‑772, 16 p. [GD I 19.76:81-772]



Raymond, W.H., King, R.U., and Norton, J.J., 1975, Anomalous concentrations of several metals in iron‑formation of the Blue Lead Mountain area, Pennington County, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Circular 707, 14 p. [GD I 19.4/2:707]



Rea, Bart, and Paape, Don, 1958a, Third day's trip; Devil's Tower entrance to Ucross, Wyoming [road log], in Strickland, John, ed., Powder River Basin, Wyoming Geological Association, 13th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 307‑313. [MBC/QE/181/.W9/1958]



Rea, Bart, and Paape, Don, 1958b, Exit road log; Devil's Tower Monument, in Strickland, John, ed., Powder River Basin, Wyoming Geological Association, 13th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 326. [MBC/QE/181/.W9/1958]



Read, C.B., 1932, Pinoxylon dakotense Knowlton from the Cretaceous of the Black Hills, Botanical Gazette, v. 93, p. 173‑187. [Periodicals]



Ready, J.A., 1968, The geology of the igneous rocks of Bear Butte (Meade County), South Dakota, Lincoln, University of Nebraska M.S. thesis. have a card that says this is a SDSM&T thesis, not Nebraska



Reagor, B.G., Stover, C.W., and Algermissen, S.T., 1981, Seismicity map of the state of South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF‑1325, scale 1:1, 000, 000. [MAPS/G/3701s/.H1/var./.U5/no.1325]



Redden, J.A., 1955, Geology of the Fourmile pegmatite area, Custer County, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Open‑Report 55‑154, 231 p. [MBC/QE/164/.C9/R44 also in SD LC COLL and GD I 19.76:55-154]



Redden, J.A., 1956, Geology of the Fourmile pegmatite area, Custer County, South Dakota, Cambridge, Harvard University Ph.D. dissertation.



Redden, J.A., 1959a, Beryl deposits of the Beecher No. 3‑Black Diamond Pegmatite, Custer County, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1072‑I, p. 537‑559. [GD I 19.3:1072-I]



Redden, J.A., 1959b, Some metamorphic features of the Pre‑cambrian rocks of the southern Black Hills, South Dakota [abs.], Virginia Journal of Science, v. 10, p. 292. [Periodicals]



Redden, J.A., 1963a, Diamond‑drilling exploration of the Beecher No. 3‑Black Diamond Pegmatite, Custer County, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1162‑E, p. E1‑E11. [GD I 19.3:1162-E and SD LC COLL/QE/164/.B55/R44/1963]



Redden, J.A., 1963b, Geology and pegmatites of the Fourmile quadrangle, Black Hills, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 297‑D, p. 199‑291. [GD I 19.16:297-D]



Redden, J.A., 1968, Geology of the Berne quadrangle, Black Hills, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 297‑F, p. 343‑408. [GD I 19.16:297-F]



Redden, J.A., 1970, Field trip no. 2., Precambrian and pegmatites of the southern Black Hills [road log], in Guidebook and road logs for 23rd annual meeting, Rocky Mountain Section, the Geological Society of America, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, p. 12‑17. [SD CL COLL/QE/164/.B55/G75/1970]



Redden, J.A., 1975a, Iron, in Mineral and water resources of South Dakota, U.S. 94th Congress, 1st session, Committee Print, p. 95‑98. [SD DOCS/TN/24/.S8/U5/1975 ??? ALSO GOV DOCS ???]



Redden, J.A., 1975b, Lead‑silver and lead‑zinc deposits, in Mineral and water resources of South Dakota, U.S. 94th Congress, 1st session, Committee Print, p. 90‑95. [SD DOCS/TN/24/.S8/U5/1975 ??? ALSO GOV DOCS ???]



Redden, J.A., 1975c, Tertiary igneous rocks, in Mineral and water resources of South Dakota, U.S. 94th Congress, 1st session, Committee Print, p. 45‑47. [SD DOCS/TN/24/.S8/U5/1975 ??? ALSO GOV DOCS ???]



Redden, J.A., 1980, Geology and uranium resources in Precambrian conglomerates of the Nemo area, Black Hills, South Dakota, U.S. Department of Energy Open‑File Report GJBX‑127(80), 147 p. [available from U.S. Geological Survey, Open‑File Services Section, P.O. Box 25425, Denver, CO 80225.]



Redden, J.A., 1981a, Field Trip #5; Geology of uraniferous conglomerates in the Nemo area, Black Hills, South Dakota, in Rich, F.J., ed., Geology of the Black Hills, South Dakota and Wyoming, Geological Society of America, Rocky Mountain Section, Field Trip Guidebook, American Geological Institute, p. 181‑192. [MBC/QE/164/.B55/G46 also in SD LC COLL]



Redden, J.A., 1981b, Summary of geology of the Nemo area, in Rich, F.J., ed., Geology of the Black Hills, South Dakota and Wyoming, Geological Society of America, Field Trip Guidebook, American Geological Institute, p. 193‑210. [MBC/QE/164/.B55/G46 also in SD LC COLL]



Redden, J.A., 1981c, Uraniferous Precambrian conglomerates in the Nemo area, northeastern Black Hills, South Dakota [abs.], Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 13, no. 4, p. 223. [Periodicals]



Redden, J.A., 1987a, Early Proterozoic and Precambrian‑Cambrian unconformities of the Nemo area, Black Hills, South Dakota, in Beus, S.S., ed., Centennial field guide volume, Geological Society of America, Rocky Mountain Section, v. 2, p. 219‑225. [MBC/QE/77/.C397/v.2/1987]



Redden, J.A., 1988b, Uraniferous Early Proterozoic conglomerates of the Black Hills, South Dakota, U.S.A., in Uranium deposits in Proterozoic quartz‑pebble conglomerates, International Atomic Energy Agency Technical Document 427, p. 75‑97. [MBC/TN/490/.U7/U72/1987]



Redden, J.A., Carda, D.D., Roggenthen, William, and Helsdon, J.M., 1983, Surficial calcite encrustations in the Black Hills region, South Dakota; electrical or evaporative in origin? [abs.], Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 15, no. 6, p. 668. [Periodicals]



Redden, J.A., and Norton, J.J., 1975, Precambrian geology of the Black Hills, in Mineral and water resources of South Dakota, U.S. 94th Congress, 1st session, Committee Print, p. 21‑28. [SD DOCS/TN/24/.S8/U5/1975 ??? ALSO GOV DOCS ???]



Redden, J.A., Norton, J.J., and McLaughlin, R.J., 1982, Geology of the Harney Peak Granite, Black Hills, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Open‑File Report 82‑481, 18 p. [GD I 19.76:82-481]



Redden, J.A., Norton, J.J., and McLaughlin, R.J., 1985, Geology of the Harney Peak Granite, Black Hills, South Dakota, in Rich, F.J., ed., Geology of the Black Hills, South Dakota and Wyoming, 2nd edition, Geological Society of America, Field Trip Guidebook, American Geological Institute, p. 225‑240. [MBC/QE/164/.B55/G46 also in SD LC COLL]



Redden, J.A., Obradovich, J.D., Naeser, C.W., Zartman, R.E., and Norton, J.J., 1983, Early Tertiary age of pitchstone in the northern Black Hills, South Dakota, Science, v. 220, p. 1153‑1154. [Periodicals]



Redden, J.A., Peterman, Z.E., Zartman, R.E., and DeWitt, Ed, 1987, U‑Th‑Pb zircon and monazite ages and preliminary interpretation of Proterozoic tectonism in the Black Hills, South Dakota [abs.], Geological Association of Canada/Mineralogic Association of Canada Programs with Abstracts, v. 12, p. 83. [Periodicals]



Redden, J.A., French, G.M., 1989, Geologic settings and potential exploration guides for gold deposits, Black Hills, South Dakota, United States gold terranes; Part I by Tooker, E.W., Bagby, W.C., Kiilsgaard, T.H., Fisher, F.S., Bennett, E.H., Redden, J.A., French, G.M., U.S. Geological Survey, Bulletin, 1857-B, p. 45-74.



Reddy, I.K., and Rankin, D., 1973, Preliminary magnetotelluric results from the Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming [abs.], EOS, American Geophysical Union Transactions, v. 54, p. 236. [Periodicals]



Redman, D.E., 1960, Exploratory drilling practices and costs at western uranium deposits, U.S. Bureau of Mines Information Circular 7944, 68 p. [GD I 28.27:7944]



Reed, E.C., 1955, Correlation of the Permo‑Pennsylvanian rocks of the Black Hills with the northern Mid‑Continent region, in South Dakota Black Hills Field Conference, North Dakota Geological Society, 3rd Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 44‑47. [MBC/QE/164/.B55/N67/1955]



Reed, E.C., Condra, G.E., Mallory, R.W., and Jones, C.T., 1940, Third day of field conference, Hot Springs through southern Black Hills and return [road log], in Kansas Geological Society, Western South Dakota and eastern Wyoming, Kansas Geological Society, 14th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 36‑48. [MBC/QE/113/.K25]



Reed, E.C., Mallory, R.W., and Jones, C.T., 1940, Fourth day of field conference, Hot Springs through Hartville area to Wheatland, in Kansas Geological Society, Western South Dakota and eastern Wyoming, Kansas Geological Society, 14th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 49‑62. [MBC/QE/113/.K25]



Reeds, C.A., 1937, Catalog of meteorites, American Museum of Natural History Bulletin 73, Art. 6, p. 177‑672. [Periodicals]



Rees, T.F., Ranville, J.F., 1988, Identification of colloids present at Sheeler Seeps, Whitewood Creek, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 87-764, p. 29-32. [GD I 19.76:87-764]



Reeside, J.B., Jr., 1944, Map showing thickness and general character of the Cretaceous deposits in the western interior of the United States, U.S. Geological Survey Oil and Gas Investigations Map 10, scale 1 inch to 220 miles. [MAPS]



Reeside, J.B., Jr., 1952, Summary of the stratigraphy of the Morrison Formation, in Yen, T.C., Molluscan fauna of the Morrison Formation, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 233‑B, p. B22‑B26. [GD I 19.16:233-B]



Reeside, J.B., Jr., 1957, Paleoecology of the Cretaceous seas of the western interior of the United States, in Ladd, H.S., ed., Treatise on marine ecology and paleoecology, Geological Society of America Memoir 67, v. II, p. 505‑542. [MBC/QE/1/.G299/v.67]



Reeside, J.B., Jr., and Cobban, W.A., 1960, Studies of the Mowry Shale (Cretaceous) and contemporary formations in the United States and Canada, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 355, 126 p. [GD I 19.16:355]



Reid, S.G., and Miller, D.D., eds., 1981, Energy resources of Wyoming, Wyoming Geological Association, 32nd Annual Field Conference Guidebook, 262 p.



Reimer, G.M., and Bowles, C.G., 1979, Helium detection for uranium exploration [abs.], U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1150, p. 49. [GD I 19.16:1150]



Reitzel, J.S., Gough, D.I., and Porath, H., 1970, Geometric deep sounding and upper mantle structure in the western United States, Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, v. 19, p. 213‑235. [Periodicals]



Renfro, A.R., 1969, Uranium deposits in the Lower Cretaceous of the Black Hills, Wyoming uranium issue, Wyoming University Contributions to Geology, v. 8, no. 2, pt. 1, p. 87‑92. [MBC/QE/79/.C762]



Rhoads, D.C., Speden, I.G., and Waage, K.M., 1972, Trophic group analysis of Upper Cretaceous (Maestrichtian) bivalve assemblages from South Dakota, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 56, no. 6, p. 1100‑1122. [Periodicals]



Rice, A.J., 1937, Granite pegmatites of the Tinton district, Professional, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology.



Rice, D.D., 1977, Stratigraphic sections from well logs and outcrops of Cretaceous and Paleocene rocks, northern Great Plains, North Dakota and South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Oil and Gas Investigations Chart OC‑72. [MAPS]


Rice, D.D., and Shurr, G.W., 1978, Potential for major natural gas resources in shallow, low-permeability reservoirs of the northern Great Plains, in 1978 Williston Basin Symposium, Montana Geological Society 24th Annual Conference, p. 265-281.



Rice, D.D., and Shurr, G.W., 1980, Shallow, low permeability reservoirs of northern Great Plains‑‑Assessment of their natural gas reservoirs, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 67, no. 7, p. 969‑987. [Periodicals]



Rice, D.D., and Shurr, G.W., 1983, Patterns of sedimentation and paleogeography across the Western Interior seaway during time of deposition of Upper Cretaceous Eagle Sandstone and equivalent rocks, northern Great Plains, in Reynolds, M.W., and Dolly, E.D., eds., Mesozoic paleogeography of, the west‑central United States, Society of Economic Paleontologists and mineralogists, Rocky Mountain Paleogeography Symposium 2, p. 337‑358.



Rice, D.D., Shurr, G.W., and Gautier, D.L., 1982, Revision of Upper Cretaceous nomenclature in Montana and South Dakota, in Contributions to stratigraphy, stratigraphic notes 1980‑1982, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1529‑H., p. H99‑H104. [GD I 19.3:1529-H]



Rice, D.D., Keighin, C.W., 1988, Relation of major sea-level fall and regional unconformity to hydrocarbon accumulations, Upper Cretaceous, U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1025, p. 51.



Rice, G., 1943, The extraction of lithium from spodumene, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology B.S. thesis.



Rice, L.R., 1970, Water treatment of iron‑rich acidic drainage from big iron ore deposits in the north‑central Black Hills, South Dakota, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology M.S. thesis, 212 p.



Rice, L.R., and Luza, K.V., 1970, Factors controlling stream pollution related to bog iron ore mining in the north‑central Black Hills, South Dakota [abs.], Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 2, no. 5, p. 346. [Periodicals]



Rich, E.I., 1958, Stratigraphic relation of Latest Cretaceous rocks in parts of Powder River, Wind River, and Big Horn Basins, Wyoming, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 42, no. 10, p. 2424‑2443. [Periodicals]



Rich, F.J., ed., 1981, Geology of the Black Hills, South Dakota and Wyoming, Geological Society of America, Rocky Mountain Section, Field Trip Guidebook, American Geological Institute, Falls Church, Va., 221 p. [MBC/QE/164/.B55/G46 also in SD LC COLL]



Rich, F.J., ed., 1985, Geology of the Black Hills, South Dakota and Wyoming, 2nd edition, Geological Society of America, Field Trip Guidebook, American Geological Institute, 292 p.



Rich, F.J., Pish, T.A., and Knell, G.W., 1988, Sedimentology, petrography, and paleoecology of the Cambria coal, Weston County, Wyoming, in Diedrich, R.P., Dyka, M.A., and Miller, W.R., eds., Eastern Powder River Basin‑‑Black Hills, Wyoming Geological Association, 39th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 249‑262.



Richardson, F.H., and Wictor, E., 1955, West Bear Butte structure, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology B.S. thesis.



Richardson, G.B., 1903, The upper red beds of the Black Hills, Journal of Geology, v. 11, p. 365‑393. [Periodicals]



Richardson, L.P., 1877, A trip to the Black Hills, Scribner's Monthly, v. 13, p. 748‑756. [Periodicals]



Rickard, T.A., 1895a, Gold milling in the Black Hills, South Dakota, and at Grass Valley, California, American Institute of Mining Engineers Transactions, v. 25, p. 906‑928. [Periodicals]



Rickard, T.A., 1895b, Variations in the milling of gold ores; XII, The Black Hills, South Dakota, Engineering and Mining Journal, v. 60, p. 221‑223, 247‑251. [Periodicals]



Rickard, T.A., 1898, Stamp milling of gold ores, New York. [MBC/TN/672/.R53/1898]



Ricketts, C.E., 1960, Heavy minerals in Black Hills alluvial deposits, South Dakota Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 39, p. 41‑47. [MBC/Q/11/.S62]



Ricketts, L.D., 1888, Report of Geologist, Cheyenne, Wyo., Annual Report of Territorial Geologist to Governor of Wyoming, 87 p.



Ricketts, L.D., 1890, Report of Geologist, Cheyenne, Wyo., Annual Report of Territorial Geologist to Governor of Wyoming, 80 p.



Ridge, J.D., 1972, Annotated bibliographies of mineral deposits in the Western Hemisphere, Geological Society of America Memoir 131, 681 p. (p. 491‑497). [MBC/QE/1/.G299v.131]



Ries, Heinrich, 1897, The fuller's earth of South Dakota, American Institute of Mining Engineers Transactions, v. 27, p. 333‑335. [Periodicals]



Riley, G.H., 1967, Rb‑Sr isotope measurements on Black Hills pegmatites [abs.], American Geophysical Union Transactions, v. 48, p. 244‑245. [Periodicals]



Riley, G.H., 1970a, Excess Sr‑87 in pegmatitic phosphates, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 34, p. 727‑731. [Periodicals]



Riley, G.H., 1970b, Isotopic discrepancies in zoned pegmatites, Black Hills, South Dakota, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 34, p. 713‑725. [Periodicals]



Ritz, Charles, Essene, E.J., and Peacor, D.R., 1974, Metavivianite, a new mineral, American Mineralogist, v. 59, p. 896‑899. [Periodicals]



Rizzi, T.M., and Willging, W.E., 1952, A study of a pegmatite dike, the Whitewood mining district, Lawrence County, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology B.S. thesis.



Roadifer, J.E., 1962, Subsurface study of the Dakota Sandstone in South Dakota [abs.], Geological Society of America, Rocky Mountain Section Annual Meeting, p. 32.



Roadifer, R.E., 1954, Geology of the Eureka Pegmatite, Pennington County, South Dakota, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology B.S. thesis. [THESIS/QE/164/.P4/R62 also SD LC COLL and USGS OFR ???]



Roberts, D.L., 1953, Diamond drilling on Long Mountain, Edgemont district, South Dakota, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Report RME‑1011.



Roberts, W.L., 1950, World news on mineral occurrences, Rocks and Minerals, v. 25, no. 1‑2, p. 45. [Periodicals]



Roberts, W.L., 1962, Occurrences of apatite in South Dakota, South Dakota Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 41, p. 46‑50. [MBC/Q/11/.S62]



Roberts, W.L., 1969, Mineral collections in the Black Hills, Earth Science, v. 22, p. 54‑59. [Periodicals]



Roberts, W.L., 1975, Decorative stone, mineral specimens, gems, fossils, and meteorite, in Mineral and water resources of South Dakota, U.S. 94th Congress, 1st session, Committee Print, p. 157‑160. [SD DOCS/TN/24/.S8/U54/1975 ??? ALSO GOV DOCS ???]



Roberts, W.L., 1981, Secondary phosphate minerals from pegmatites of the Black Hills, South Dakota [abs.], in The mineralogy of pegmatites, Mineralogical Society of America, p. 23‑24.



Roberts, W.L., and Cope, J.H., 1968, Utilization of mine dumps in the Black Hills, South Dakota, Ingersoll and Tin Mountain Mines, South Dakota Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 47, p. 75‑85. [MBC/Q/11/.S62]



Roberts, W.L., and Rapp, George, Jr., 1964, Nonmetallic and industrial mineral resources‑‑Gem stones and gem materials, in Mineral and water resources of South Dakota, U.S. 88th Congress, 2nd session, Committee Print, p. 140‑142. [SD DOCS/TN/24/.S8/U5/1964 ??? ALSO GOV DOCS ???]



Roberts, W.L., and Rapp, George, Jr., 1965, Mineralogy of the Black Hills, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology Bulletin 18, 268 p. [Periodicals]



Robie, E.H., 1926, Milling practice at the Homestake Mine, Engineering and Mining Journal, v. 122, p. 564‑568. [Periodicals]



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Robinson, C.S., 1956, Geology of the Devil's Tower National Monument, Wyoming, in Contributions to general geology, 1955, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1021‑I, p. 289‑320. [GD I 19.3:1021-I]



Robinson, C.S., 1957a, Geology of the Hulett Creek area, Crook County, Wyoming, U.S. Geological Survey Trace Element Investigations Report TEI‑700, p. 75‑80.



Robinson, C.S., 1957b, Hulett Creek area, Wyoming, U.S. Geological Survey Trace Element Investigations Report TEI‑700, p. 75‑80.



Robinson, C.S., 1958, Hulett Creek area, Wyoming, U.S. Geological Survey Trace Element Investigations Report TEI‑740, p. 105.



Robinson, C.S., 1960, Origin of Devils Tower, Wyoming [abs.], Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 71, no. 12, part 2, p. 2040. [Periodicals]



Robinson, C.S., Bergendahl, M.H., and Mapel, W.J., 1954, Devil's Tower, Wyoming and Montana, U.S. Geological Survey Trace Element Investigations Report TEI‑490, p. 107‑112.



Robinson, C.S., and Goode, H.D., 1956, Geology of the Hulett Creek mining area, Crook County, Wyoming, U.S. Geological Survey Trace Element Investigations Report TEI‑640, p. 85‑91.



Robinson, C.S., and Goode, H.D., 1957a, Hulett Creek area, Crook County, Wyoming, U.S. Geological Survey Trace Element Investigations Report TEI‑690, p. 239‑243.



Robinson, C.S., and Goode, H.D., 1957b, Preliminary geologic map of the Hulett Creek uranium mining area, Crook County, Wyoming, U.S. Geological Survey Mineral Investigations Map MF‑121, scale 1:6, 000. [MAPS/G/3701s/.H1/var./.U5/no.121]



Robinson, C.S., and Goode, H.D., 1957c, Geology of the uranium deposits of the northern Black Hills, Wyoming, Denver, Colo., 60th National Western Minerals [Mining?] Conference Transactions, v. 1, p. 91‑96.



Robinson, C.S., and Gott, G.B., 1958, Uranium deposits of the Black Hills, South Dakota and Wyoming, in Strickland, John, ed., Powder River Basin, Wyoming Geological Association, 13th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 241‑244. [MBC/QE/181/.W9/1958]



Robinson, C.S., Mapel, W.J., and Bergendahl, M.H., 1955, Geologic map of northern and western flanks of the Black Hills, Wyoming and Montana, U.S. Geological Survey Trace Element Investigations Map TEM‑873, 2 sheets.



Robinson, C.S., Mapel, W.J., and Bergendahl, M.H., 1964, Stratigraphy and structure of the northern and western flanks of the Black Hills uplift, Wyoming, Montana, and South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 404, 134 p. [GD I 19.16:404]



Robinson, C.S., Mapel, W.J., and Cobban, W.A., 1959, Pierre Shale along the western and northern flanks of Black Hills, Wyoming and Montana, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 43, p. 101‑123. [Periodicals]



Robinson, C.S., and Rosholt, J.N., Jr., 1961, Uranium migration and geochemistry of uranium deposits in sandstone above, at, and below the water table; Part II, Relationship of uranium migration dates, geology, and chemistry of the uranium deposits, Economic Geology, v. 56, no. 8, p. 1404‑1420. [Periodicals]



Robinson, DeLorme, 1902, Editorial notes on (Rev. W.M. Blackburn's) historical sketch of North and South Dakota, Pierre, S. Dak., South Dakota Historical Collection, v. 1, p. 85‑162. [SD LC COLL/F/646/.S76/v.1]



Robinson, Doane, 1903, History of South Dakota, vol. 1, 952 p., vol. 2, 953 p. [SD LC COLL/F/651/.R66 check dates!]



Robinson, G.W., Grice, J.D., and Van Velthuizen, J., 1985, Ehrleite, a new calcium-beryllium-zinc-phosphate-hydrate from the Tip Top Pegmatite, Custer, South Dakota, The Canadian Mineralogist, v. 23, part 3, p. 507‑510. [Periodicals]



Roca, Luis, 1981, Engineering geology and relative slope stability of the Inyan Kara hogback, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology M.S. thesis, 144 p.



Roca, Luis, 1981, Engineering geology and relative slope stability of the Inyan Kara hogback, Rapid City, South Dakota [abs.], Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 13, no. 4, p. 223. [Periodicals]



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Rockhold, J.R., Nabelek, P.I., and Glascock, M.D., 1987, Origin of rhythmic layering in the Calamity Peak satellite pluton of the Harney Peak Granite, South Dakota; the role of boron, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 51, p. 487‑496. [Periodicals]



Roggenthen, W.M., and Lisenbee, A.L., 1986, Precambrian crustal controls upon the eastern extent of Laramide deformation and magmatism [abs.], Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 18, no. 6, p. 732. [Periodicals]



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Rose, P.R., 1976, Mississippian carbonate shelf margins, western U.S., U.S. Geological Survey Journal of Research, v. 4, no. 4, p. 449‑466. [Periodicals]



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Rosen, Rev. Peter, 1895, Pahasapa or the Black Hills of South Dakota, St. Louis, Mo., 645 p.



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Ross, A.J.M., and Wayland, R.G., 1925, Mining methods at the Homestake, American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers Transactions v.(?), p.(?) 1408. [Periodicals]



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Roth, J.E., 1977, Porosity evolution of the Pahasapa (Madison) Limestone at Jewel Cave National Monument, Custer, South Dakota, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology M.S. thesis, 103 p. [THESIS/S/593.2/.R845/1977]



Roth, R.I., 1933, Some Morrison ostracoda, Journal of Paleontology, v. 7, p. 398‑405. [Periodicals]



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Rothrock, E.P., 1928, Biennial report of the State Geologist 1926‑1928, South Dakota Geological Survey Biennial Report, 7 p. [SD DOCS/QE/163/.A45]



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Rothwell, R.P., 1900, Tin, in Mineral Industry for 1899; its Statistics, Technology, and Trade, New York, McGraw‑Hill, v. 8, p. 618. [MBC/TN/13/.M6]



Rothwell, R.P., 1901, Tin, in Mineral Industry for 1900; its Statistics, Technology, and Trade, New York, McGraw‑Hill, v. 9, p. 635. [MBC/TN/13/.M6]



Rouse, R.C., Peacor, D.R., Dunn, P.J., Campbell, T.J., Wicks, F.J., and Newbury, Dale, 1987, Pahasapaite, a beryllophosphate zeolite related to synthetic zeolite rho, from the Tip Top Pegmatite of South Dakota, Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte, v. ___, p. 433‑440. [Periodicals]



Rowe, C.M., 1961, The fabled and flamboyant Black Hills, in Nennewein, J.L., and Boorman, Jane, eds., Dakota Panorama, Freeman, S. Dak., Pine Hills Press. [MBC/F/655/.S74/1973 also in SD LC COLL]



Rowland, R.A., 1971, Colony Plant Baroid Division, N.L. Industries, in Bradley, W.F., ed., The habitat of the Wyoming‑type bentonites and the itinerary for the 20th clay minerals conference bentonite excursion, Rapid City, S. Dak., 20th Clay Mineral Conference, p. 13‑15. [SD LC COLL/TN/948/.B4/H27]



Rubey, W.W., 1926, Oil possibilities of the Black Hills region, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 10, no. 11, p. 1177. [Periodicals]



Rubey, W.W., 1927, Stream piracy in northeastern Wyoming [abs.], Washington Academy of Sciences Journal, v. 17, p. 120. [Periodicals]



Rubey, W.W., 1929, Origin of the siliceous Mowry Shale of the Black Hills region, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 154‑D, p. 153‑170. [GD I 19.16:154-D]



Rubey, W.W., 1930, Lithologic studies of fine‑grained Upper Cretaceous rocks of the Black Hills region, in Shorter contributions to general geology, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 165‑A, p. 1‑54. [GD I 19.16:165-A]



Rubey, W.W., 1931, Lithologic studies of fine‑grained Upper Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of the Black Hills region, U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper 165‑A, p. 1‑54. [GD I 19.16:165-A]



Rubey, W.W., 1933, The size distribution of heavy minerals within a waterlaid sandstone, Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 3, p. 3‑29. [Periodicals]



Rueb, R.A., 1984, Lineament analysis of the Black Hills, South Dakota and Wyoming, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, M.S. thesis. [THESIS/QE/33.2/.A7/R918/1984]



Ruede, George, 1951, A mapping and field study of the (upper Jurassic) Unkpapa Sandstone, Black Hills, South Dakota, Lincoln, University of Nebraska M.S. thesis.



Ruedeman, Rudolf., and Lochman, Christina, 1942, Graptolites from the Englewood Formation (Mississippian) of the Black Hills, South Dakota, Journal of Paleontology, v. 16, p. 657‑659. [Periodicals]



Runge, J.S., 1968, Exploration for Dakota oil traps, Black Hills area, in Wulf, G.R., ed., Black Hills area, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Wyoming Geological Association, 20th Field Conference Guidebook, p. 79‑82. [MBC/QE/181/.W9/1968]



Runke, S.M., Binyon, E.O., and Cunningham, J.B., 1954, Progress report on pegmatite investigations in South Dakota for fiscal years 1952‑1953, U.S. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations 5061, 21 p. [GD I 28.23:5061]



Runke, S.M., Cunningham, J.B., and Mullen, D.H., 1952, Progress report on pegmatite investigations in South Dakota for fiscal year ended June 30, 1951, U.S. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations 4928, 46 p. [GD I 28.23:4928]



Runke, S.M., and Riley, J.M., 1957, Progress report on pegmatite investigations in South Dakota for fiscal years 1954‑1956, U.S. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations 5339, 18 p. [GD I 28.23:5339]



Runner, J.J., 1916a, Specific gravity methods for tungsten analysis, Mining and Science Press, v. 113, p. 11‑13. [Periodicals]



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Runner, J.J., 1921, Evidences of an unconformity within the Pre‑cambrian of the Black Hills of South Dakota [abs.], Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 32, p. 37‑38. [Periodicals]



Runner, J.J., 1923, The Pre‑Cambrian geology of the Nemo district in the Black Hills of South Dakota, with special reference to a Pre‑Cambrian unconformity, Chicago, University of Chicago Ph.D. thesis, 52 p.



Runner, J.J., 1926, The Pre‑Cambrian geology of the Nemo district, Black Hills, South Dakota, with special reference to a Pre‑Cambrian unconformity [abs.], University of Chicago, Abstracts of Theses, Science Series, v. 2, p. 229‑234.



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Runner, J.J., 1934, Precambrian geology of the Nemo district, Black Hills, South Dakota, American Journal of Science, v. 28, p. 353‑372. [Periodicals]



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Runner, J.J., 1957, Origin of the Upper Cretaceous shale inclusions in volcanic agglomerate cutting Pre‑Cambrian and Paleozoic rocks in the Black Hills, South Dakota [abs.], Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 68, p. 1790. [Periodicals]



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